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A bunch of emails rolled in yesterday asking me for more examples of using status to sell to men.

So let’s dig into a few…

Status in the health niche

Some of the best promos I wrote in the supplement market for men had to do with being able to do things most people their age couldn’t do (this gives the guys status).

One I wrote for Patriot Power Greens was about our spokesperson Dr. Sebring, who at the age of 62 was still competing in martial arts tournaments against guys half his age…and winning.

That was a sexy hook.

And that promo crushed because it was all about the status of being able to do remarkable physical things at an age when most people are falling apart.

Simply being able to do things your friends can’t do is a big status booster for older guys.

Let’s look at another one…

Golf market

In the golf world, one of the main ways guys get status is by hitting the ball further than everyone else.

So if you can crush it 300 off the tee…

Everyone is gonna be impressed.

Your buddies are gonna be jealous.  The guy in your golf league that you secretly hate is gonna be seething.  And the cart girl selling beer might flirt with you a little more than usual.

Everyone is talking about your big drives…

And telling stories after the round.

So hitting the ball further is a big status play.

And guys who golf will do anything and everything to add another 20 yards to their tee shots for this reason.

Let’s look at another example…


If you’re not familiar with the survival niche, it’s basically 60+ year old conservative guys who don’t trust anything that’s going on in the world.

Which is why they have a whole garage full of survival food, gold coins, ammo and everything else under the sun.

Guys in this world get a lot of status from being the one who’s prepared.

They love talking about all the bad shit that’s coming.

And the inside info they have about what’s going on with the government.

They’re “in the know”.

And they’re not a sheep like everyone else. 

And this gives them a lot of status.

Let’s do a few more of these…

Men’s dating

This one is fairly obvious…

But men who constantly have attractive women around them have a lot of status.

Within circles of guys, being able to get attractive women is a bigger social bump than being rich.

I’ll give ya a good example of this…

A few weeks ago I was invited to a party in Austin that was put on by a super rich tech guy (I’m guessing he’s worth at least $100 million). 

He was an early investor in Tesla and SpaceX, so so the guy is legit.

However, I noticed when I was at the party, this guy had no ability to talk to women.

He was completely awkward around them.

Which was kind of sad to watch…  

Cause it was obvious to me that he threw this party for the sole purpose of meeting women (the ratio at the party was like 70 women and 15 guys).

But he wound up by himself most of the night.

My buddy Mike and I both noticed this right away.

Here’s this guy who’s super successful, throwing a party at his $10 million dollar house on the lake, and none of the women were interested in him.

And from our point of view, it made us look at him very differently.

Sure he’s rich…

Sure he’s got the baller house…

But he’s alone.

There’s no women in his life. 

So his status dropped significantly in our eyes.

And that’s why in the men’s dating niche, a big driver is simply the status guys get for being able to attract beautiful women. 

It eclipses money, fame and everything else.

Alright let’s do one more of these…


In the financial niche (where Agora and other publishers live) their buyer is your typical 50 year-old white guy in America.

For him, being seen as a good provider and being able to leave a legacy is all about status.

While other people are scraping by on social security in retirement…

Him and his wife are living the good life. 

That gives him status.

And if he’s able to pass on all that wealth he’s acumulated to setup his kids or grandkids in life, that gives him even more status.

Cause it allows him to be seen as the perfect provider.

And makes him feel like a king.

So when he’s playing golf with his buddies…

Or having dinner at his favorite restaurant with all the kids and grandkids…

He’s seen as the “king” of the family.

The one who provides for and takes care of everyone.

And he loves the status that brings.

So there ya go…

That’s a few examples of how you can use status in your marketing for different niches. 

Status is super powerful when marketing to men.

So make sure you use it.

Hope this series was helpful for ya.

Enjoy your Thursday,

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.