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Alright, today’s the last day I’m gonna be recapping my big takeaways from our Copy Accelerator mastermind.

This email is all about the most important metric in your business.

And that’s the lifetime value of your buyers (LTV).

Last Friday at the the mastermind we had 2 killer presentations all about LTV…

One from Marc Stockman & Jeff Radich of Natural Health Sherpa…

And one from Tyler Bramlett of Warrior Made.

Both of these guys said similar things…

It’s all about LTV“.


Because if I have a $300 LTV for my buyers, and you have a $200 LTV, I’m going to eat your lunch.

Cause I can afford to acquire more buyers than you…

Which means I can buy traffic that you can’t…

And I can scale faster than you as well.

That’s the name of the game.

And having a high LTV is the key metric in winning that game.

And there’s a million things you can do to boost your LTV like…

– Email autoresponders after they buy

– Outbound calls to new buyers

– Retargeting new buyers

– Multiple upsells converting at 30-40%

– Ride-along offers in your packages

– Subscription revenue

All of that stuff matters.


A big, big point that Marc Stockman made was simply being able to attribute the money from these LTV boosters to the original sale.

So they know exactly how much each of their autoresponders adds to the LTV of a buyer.

And how much outbound phone calls add to the LTV of their buyers…

He said simply knowing these numbers, and being able to attribute them to the original sale changed their break-even day from 90 days out to 30 days out.

That’s a HUGE difference.

And it completely changes how you acquire new buyers. 

So the big point to takeaway here is that LTV is truly the key metric when it comes to beating your competition.

If you win the LTV game, you can bring in more buyers…

Scale faster…

And produce a lot more revenue.

It’s all about LTV.

Hope this was helpful for ya…

Cause that’s all I got for ya today.


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Just reply to this and tell me a little about yourself.

– Justin

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