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Something I’m a big believer in is that if you try to pretend to be someone you’re not, people will see right through you. 

And nowhere was this more obvious than the elections that went on Tuesday night.

Specifically the election that Dr. Oz was in. 

If you’re not familiar with it, Dr. Oz (yes, the guy from TV) was running for an open Senate seat in Pennsylvania.

He had the backing of Donald Trump…

And he spent nearly $27 million of his own money on his campaign. 

But here’s the thing…

Dr. Oz was a horrible candidate for Republicans to put up in Pennsylvania. 


Cause he’s nothing like the people who live there!

Pennsylvania is the kind of place where people work in factories, they drink Budweiser tall boys, and they think ranch dressing is healthy.

Which is about as far as you can get from Dr. Oz.

Oz just reeks of being the guy who went to private school all his life…

And if you ever invited him to a football tailgate, he’d be the guy to show up with a $300 bottle of wine…

That’s how he comes off…out of touch.

But in order to get elected, he tried to hide this.

He pretended to care about things like football and the Steelers…

And when he was campaigning, he had numerous photo opps of him “being normal”… eating a burger and fries…

But anyone watching could tell this wasn’t him.

It was all an act.

And I think this is a big reason why he lost his race in the end.

If you try to be someone you’re not, people will see right through it.

Cause you can’t keep up the facade 24/7.

It’s just not possible.

So if you have a list…

Or a following on social media…

Just “own who you are”.

Be you, flaws and all. 

That’s what people want…

Make sense?

I hope so.

Cause that’s all I got for ya this morning.

Enjoy your Saturday,

– Justin

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