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One of the smartest things I did over my holiday break was plan out how I wanted 2022 to look.

Specifically, I got clear on…

– What I’m going to mail my email list each week (i.e. when am I going to promote something, when am I going to send content)

– When I’m going to take time off (vacations)

– Events and obligations that are already planned (CA events, weddings, masterminds etc…)

I got clear on all this.

And I even mapped it out on a big ole’ posterboard that you can see below…

As you can see, the whole year is planned out.

Now, some of this will obviously change as the year goes on…

But the whole point is that I have an idea of what my year is going to look like.

I know that I’m gonna take time off in March (after our Copy Accelerator event) and take a little vacation.

I know that in April, I’m going to do a big promotion for another copywriting mentorship (I’m considering doing one specifically for email marketing).

So all that is planned out.

And frankly, planning like this does not come naturally to me.

I’m usually the guy who just goes with the flow…

And doesn’t plan much.


I know how much it helps.

And how it gives me a clear vision for what I should be working on (and what I need to be thinking about for the months ahead).

So that’s why I’m doing it.


Wanted to share this with you…

Cause I thought it might help you see what I do behind-the-scenes in regards to planning my year.

And hopefully you use this to do the same.

I think it’s well worth it.

Alright, I need to wrap this up and head out for a morning walk.

Enjoy your Monday,

– Justin

NOTE – I have a special announcement coming tomorrow about our next Copy Accelerator event in March with a loaded line-up of speakers including Alen Sultanic, Chris Evans, Allen Baler, Kim Krause Schwalm, Marcella Allison and Kevin Rogers.

So make sure you keep your eyes peeled for that.

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.