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I always say that you need to be really picky about who you take advice from (cause you might wind-up like that person)

For example…

There’s lots of people in our industry who love Grant Cardone.

They like how ambitious he is…

How he has no filter…

And how hard he hustles.

Which I can understand.

When I was 25, I would have been a big Grant Cardone fan boy.

Cause I was the same way.

But now?

I have no interest in learning from someone like Grant.


Because his whole “more more more” philosophy doesn’t resonate with me.

It’s not my style.

I don’t want to work 80 hours a week…

I’m not interested in sacrificing everything in my life to make more money.

I’m quite happy making around $1-$2 million a year…

And working about 30 hours a week…

That works for me.

Which brings me to the point I want to make.

And this is an important one…

Who you learn from matters.


Cause there’s a good chance you’re gonna adopt their habits.

If the person you learn from works 18 hours a day…

And never spends time with their kids…

And they’re on their 3rd marriage..

That should be a red flag.

I don’t care how much money they have…

Or how big their private jet is…

Their life is a mess.

And if I’m taking advice from them…

And building my business like theirs…

I’m probably gonna wind-up having a lot of the same habits as they have.

That’s the truth.

And it’s why I’m super-selective about who I take advice from…

Cause in the end, my biggest priority is having the life I want…

That’s what matters to me.

It’s about the money I want to make…

And the freedom I have…

And the stress (or lack of stress) that it takes. 

That’s what matters to me.

So my advice to you is simple…

Be selective about who you take advice from.

Cause you might end up like them.

That’s my 2 cents…

Enjoy your Saturday…

– Justin


P.S. – if you want to learn from the “best of the best”, then you should join me, Stefan Georgi, Dan Ferrari, Sabah Karimi, Ian Stanley, Rich Schefren and Chris Haddad at the event we are holding in a few weeks…

The seats will sell out (they did for our last two live events).

So if you want to join us, I suggest grabbing a seat now over on the event page


If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.