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Hey! This is an invite to join me on a private Zoom training tomorrow on how to create a 1000 Buyer A Day offer.

On the call I’m going to show you module 1 of the 1000 Buyers A Day course…

And that module is all about creating what I call a “hell yes” offer.

A “hell yes” offer is an offer that makes it super easy for your prospect to say yes.

Now there’s a lot that goes into this…

And most people think they have “hell yes” offers…

But really they just have a mediocre offer.

And that’s why they will never be able to scale to 1000 buyers a day.

Cause here’s the truth…

Without a “hell yes” offer, nothing else in your offer matters.

Doesn’t matter how good the copy is…

Or how dialed-in the upsells are…

It won’t scale.

A “hell yes” offer is the foundation of scaling to 1000 buyers a day. 

So on the call I’m going to share with you some secrets for creating a “hell yes” offer …

Specifically we’ll cover…

– Why some offers convert 5-7x better than other offers (even if the copy is good on both of them)

– the biggest thing that holds people back from purchasing your offer (it’s not trust, proof or money – it has to do with them)

– the easy way to make your offer stand out when you’re in a crowded niche

– example after example of highly appealing offers

– how a simple tweak to your offer’s structure can make it convert 2-3x better than it normally would

– Plus a whole lot more…

So that’s what we’ll be talking about on the private Zoom call tomorrow.

The call will be at 1 PM ET/10 AM PT.

If you want to join, all you have to do is register beforehand.

The call is limited to 500 spots, so if you want one of the seats, make sure you grab yours now.

Here’s the link to get you spot…

-> Private Zoom call w/ Justin

– Justin

P.S.  – As always I will try to record this so there’s a replay.

90% of the time I remember.

So if I remember, I’ll send out the replay tomorrow night.

In the meantime, if you want to save your spot on the webinar, do that here

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.