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A question came in from a reader named Greg about my upcoming 1000 Buyers A Day course…

“I’m curious how you put this course together, because in my mind there’s probably a thousand things that have to go right to get to 1000 buyers a day.  Are you covering all of this in the course?

Great question.

The short answer is no.


Because I’m a fan of making things as SIMPLE as possible for you.

Sure I could have made a course that went through every little detail of what you need to create an offer that can scale to 1000 buyers a day…

But that course would have been thicker than Atlas Shrugged.

And odds are you wouldn’t have finished it.

So it wouldn’t help much.  

So instead of giving you every tactic under the sun for getting your offer to 1000 buyers a day…

I focused the course on the five things that really matter.

I call them the “First Five”.

The first five consists of the offer, the lead, the big idea, the ads, and the first upsell.

And I did this because every time an offer gets to 1000 buyers a day, it’s always one of the “First Five” that was holding it back.

For example…

When I helped my buddy Dave Sinick scale his Paleo Sweets offer to 1000-2000 buyers a day, I was able to do that by simply focusing on the first upsell.

When Stefan Georgi helped VShred scale their Burn offer to 1500+ sales a day (mostly on Facebook) he did it by focusing on the lead.

When Chris Haddad helped the Power4Home guys scale their ebook in the survival niche, he didn’t re-do the entire offer.  He simply re-wrote the lead at the beginning of the VSL, and soon that offer was doing over 2000 buyers a day.

That’s the power of focusing on the “First Five”.

It allows you to focus on the the things that truly move the needle.

And gives you a roadmap for how to create (or even fix) an offer so that it can get to 1000 buyers a day. 

Cause here’s the truth…

Each element of your First Five has to be dialed-in.

Cause if it’s not…

No amount of traffic wizardry, or copy jiu-jitsu is gonna get your offer to 1000 buyers a day.

It simply doesn’t have the DNA of a 1000 Buyer A Day Offer.

Think of it like an NBA player…

If an NBA player can shoot, rebound and pass at a high level…

But he’s an awful defender, he can’t be a top player.

He can be a mediocre player…

Or a great role player…

But if he’s below average at defense, he’ll never be on the same level as Lebron, Giannis, Kawhi etc…

And that’s similar to 1000 Buyer A Day offers work.

All five pieces of the “First Five” have to be dialed-in.

Otherwise you have an offer that does 60 buyers a day instead of 1000. 

So that’s really what this course is about…

It’s about putting out an offer that has the DNA to get to 1000 Buyers A Day.

And this is meant to work on any new offers you put out…

Or existing offers that you want to scale further…

1000 Buyers A Day will show you how to do that.

But one thing I want to note.

I mentioned yesterday that this is an advanced course.

It assumes you have some knowledge of copy, upsells, funnels. 

I’m not showing you how to pick a niche…

Or how to setup a funnel…

Or even giving you an A-Z on how to write copy…

That’s not what this course is about.

It’s all about giving you the simplest path to creating an offer (or fixing a current offer) so it can scale to 1000 Buyers A Day.

So that’s the deal.

Hopefully that gives you a better idea of how it can help you. 

Again, I’ll be releasing the course this Tuesday.

And like I mentioned in previous emails, I originally planned on selling the course for $2000.

But last night I decided to change that.

I’m not going to reveal the new price just yet…

But I think you’re going to be pleasantly surprised at how affordable it is. 

I’ll save that for Tuesday though…

So until then…

Keep your eyes peeled for an email from me.

Enjoy your Sunday,

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.