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An interesting question came in from Nick Browne that I want to talk about…


What game are you playing?

i.e. after you’ve won the entrepreneur game, the money game, the build something big game… what keeps you going and gets you excited?


This has been on my mind a lot the last 6 months.


Because the whole idea of making more money doesn’t really push me as much as it used to.

If I’m making around a $1.5 million a year or so, I’m happy with that.

I don’t really have the urge to try to make $5 million a year…

Or $10 million a year…

I know what kind of work that would take…

And right now I care more about having a laid back life that doesn’t require me working 80 hours a week.

So my focus these days is a little different than it was five years ago.

But in regards to your question, here’s what’s driving me…

1.  Helping people (copywriters, entrepreneurs) to completely change their life

I get a LOT of satisfaction helping a copywriter go from a 9-5 job, to making $10k a month as a copywriter.

That’s life changing.

And it brings me a TON of fulfillment.

I’ve seen it firsthand with people like Tanner Henkel, Alec Rosa, Areeba Ahmed, Amber Peoples, Michael Rochin, Rob Tidwell and many others in our group…

Seeing them realize their potential…

And turn into killer copywriters/marketers is just amazing to see.

And I get a lot of fulfillment knowing I played a small part in their success. 

So that really drives me…

2.  The other thing that really drives me is helping entrepreneurs to see the “big picture”

I love helping the entrepreneur who is burnt out and overworked to turn their life around and find more balance.

I love seeing them get away from the laptop…

And spend more time with their family…

I like seeing them get back to their hobbies…

That’s fulfilling for me.

And on that same note, really helping entrepreneurs to see the big picture when it comes to building long-lasting wealth.

Our industry is littered with people who made a bunch of money from an offer, but who are barely scraping by.

Learning how to keep the money you make (and grow it) is an entirely different skillset.

Which is why I love teaching it. 

It’s something I had to learn on my own…

So I like helping people to not make the same mistakes I did. 

So there ya go…

That’s really what drives me today. 

Hopefully these Q&A emails were helpful for you over the last few days.

I’ll be back to my regular Sunday morning email tomorrow.

Get out and enjoy your Saturday.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.