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Earlier this week Dan Ferrari and I decided we’re gonna team-up and do a 1-day training together sometime in March. 

If you don’t know Dan, he’s easily one of the 5 best copywriters working today.

He has a personal copy coaching program that he only lets five people into and costs $60,000 a year…

And he’s also helped some of the biggest players in direct response to dial-in their copy and create blockbuster offers like PaleoHacks, The Motley Fool, Scott Phillips Publishing, Credit Secrets and Agora. 

So Dan is the real deal…

And we’re gonna do a 1-day training together on Zoom next month… 

But here’s the issue we’re facing…

When Dan and I started brainstorming ideas for the training, we came up with four really good ideas that we think you’ll like…

However, we simply don’t have time to do all four trainings…

So we need to narrow it down to one.

This is where YOU come in.

I want you to look at the four topics we came up with below, and let me know which one would be your TOP choice.  

Here’s the four potential topics…

– How to BEAT any control in a day

– Advanced email copy secrets that will add 30-50% more sales to every email you write 

– How to create an offer that does $10 million+ in sales

– How to boost the sales of any sales letter you write by 50% or more

So those are the four potential topics for the training.

As I said, we obviously can’t do all of these due to time constraints…

So if you could only choose ONE of these topics to learn from Dan and I, which one would it be?

Simply hit reply to this email and let me know which topic would be your top choice.

I’d love to hear from ya…

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.