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Apparently I’m a really bad marketer because I had about 20 people email me today asking some version of the following question…

I won’t be able to make it to your email training tomorrow, but I’d still like to buy it if you’re gonna provide a replay.  Is there a replay?

My apologies for not clarifying this…

But the short answer is “YES”.

Anyone who buys my email training before 11:59 PM (central time) tonight will get the recording of the training to keep.

This way you’ll have access to the training forever.

And you can go back and watch it anytime you like.

PLUS, I’m also gonna give you a swipe file of all the emails I share on the call.

So even if you can’t make the call…

Or if you need to step away for psrt of the call…

You’ll have access to everything that was shared on the call forever and ever.

So that’s the deal…

Hopefully that clarifies things for ya…

If you somehow missed my previous 7 emails about the ONE TIME email training that I’m hosting tomorrow, here’s the deets…


What it is: How to write “Justin style” emails for maximum money and maximum influence

Who it’s for: Biz owners, copywriters, experts and coaches that want to write personality driven emails to their email lists (similar to what I do)

When is it: Wednesday, October 5th at noon ET (the training will take place on Zoom)

How long will the training be : I’d plan for 2.5-3 hours

What we will cover:  generating ideas for what to write your emails about, how to get 50-60% open rates, my 4 favorite ways to build a list, how to make $25k-$35k a month promoting affiliate offers, how to balance selling vs. content emails… plus much, much more.


So that’s all taking place tomorrow at noon ET.

Last I looked there were 203 people signed up for the training (including some big name copywriters and marketers).

So if you want to be a part of this ONE TIME email training, I suggest you don’t dilly dally.

The deadline to sign-up is tonight at 11:59 PM CT.

And unlike most marketers, I take my deadlines seriously.

So if you try to sign-up after the deadline, you won’t be able to (even if you’re a close friend of mine). 

So if you want to get in on this training…

And learn how to write “Justin style” emails for maximum money and maximum influence…

Then I suggest you grab a spot now while you still can.

Here’s the link to do that…

– > How to write “Justin style” emails for maximum money and maximum influence

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.