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Friendly reminder, the LIVE Zoom call I’m hosting on how you can use Brent Charleton’s “Correction method” to…

– earn more money without feeling guilty about it

– get past your procrastination around writing

– stop being a perfectionist when you write copy

– raise your fees and your rates so you can charge what you’re worth

– finally see your own value, and your own worth so you don’t feel like an imposter anymore

– stop hesitating to start your own offer…and finally do it

– plus how it can help you with a bunch of non-business stuff dating, social anxiety, parenting, drinking, relationships with your family, your body image, people-pleasing and more…

That call is starting at 8 PM ET/5 PM PT.

I’ll be sharing my own personal story with you of how I’ve used Brent’s correction method over the last five years to get rid of the mental blocks I had around money, dating, business, selling and more…

And joining me on the call will be Alec Rosa (one of my original copy mentees) who is also a client of Brent’s.  

Alec is gonna breakdown in detail how he has used the Correction Method to help him beat his procrastination with writing, negotiate higher fees with clients, and to just generally be happier in life.

So that’s all happening tonight in at 8 PM ET/5 PM PT.

This call will NOT be recorded.

So if you want to see what we share, you need to be there live. 

One other note…

This is NOT going to be a hardcore pitch for Brent’s course.   

This will be a laid back call where we simply share in detail what we did to get past the mental blocks in our life (and show you how you can do the same). 

Alec and I will also answer any questions you have about Brent’s “Correction method” as well.

So if you’ve been reading my emails all week about Brent, and you have some concerns, doubts or questions about whether it will work for you, we’ll be there to answer any questions you have.

Again the call starts in about 50 minutes at 8 PM ET/5 PM PT.

All you gotta do is register on Zoom at the link below to save yourself a spot.

-> Removing your mental blocks with Justin and Alec Rosa

Hope to see ya on the call…

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.