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If you missed the 6-figure copywriter call I did today w/ my biz partner Stefan Georgi, then you’re in luck.


Cause I actually remembered to record it!

Which was good, cause we had nearly 500 people on the call…

And on the call we revealed… 

– the BEST place to land copywriting clients even if you have little or no experience

– the #1 thing that seperates 6-figure copywriters from other writers that never get to that level

– how you can shortcut the process to get to 6-figures and get there in half the time it takes most writers

– PLUS a whole lot more…

You can watch the entire replay on my Youtube channel here.

I think this call will really open your eyes if you’re not making 6-figures yet as a copywriter (and you want to).

So check it out…

-> How to go from 0 to $100k as a copywriter

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.