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A few nights ago in Boise, I was grabbing dinner with Mike Abramov and Austin Dixon (two Copy Accelerator members) when an interesting discussion broke out…

We were all talking about how we set up our work day…

Some of us like to get up right away and start working…

Others like to go to the gym first thing in the morning…

After a little back and forth, I mentioned that I basically wake up, and walk straight to my computer and start working.

No pre-morning routine…

No journaling…

No breakfast…

I just sit down and start working (which usually entails writing this email).


Because I’ve found through trial and error that I have about 3 GOOD hours of focused work in me in a given day.

That’s it.

And my best focus is always in the morning.

It’s right when I wake up.

Before I get a hundred Slack messages…

Or a bunch of texts…

The morning is my time to just sit down and write…

Or to do some deep thinking about a marketing campaign…

That’s when my focus is best.

So I protect my morning time at all costs.

I don’t do meetings at that time…

Or go to the gym…

For me this is focused work time.

Now you might be similar to me…

Or you might be the exact opposite and you do better work in the afternoon (or at night).

Whatever the situation is…

It helps to understand that you only have so much focused work you can do during a single day.

So your best bet is to use that focused time to work on the things that really move the needle for you.

That should come before everything else.

You don’t want to waste that focused time on things that could be done later in the day (like meetings or calls).

Make sense?

I hope so.

Cause that’s all I got for ya today.

Enjoy your Thursday,

– Justin 

(No picture today, I’m at a coffee shop and forgot my Sharpie)


Note: Sometime in the next week Stefan Georgi and I will be announing a new 8-week copy mentorship that we’ll be running at the end of April.

This mentorship is specifically for new and intermediate copywriters.

And you’ll learn everything needed to be able to write winning sales pages, ads, emails and more.

I’ll have more info coming soon on the price and the exact dates.

So keep your eyes peeled for some emails from me that if the mentorship interests you.———-

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.