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Every Sunday morning I like to write about 3 random things that are on my mind.

Usually these things are about business…

Or life…

But this week, with Joe Rogan in the news all week, one BIG thing has been on my mind non-stop.

And that’s the “free exchange of ideas”.

If you’re not familiar with the situation…

Basically Joe Rogan (who has the largest podcast in the world) started catching heat for having two doctors on his podcast who’s views on COVID and vaccines don’t fit the mainstream narrative.

So people are pressuring Spotify to cancel Joe…

And to take him off the platform.

Even the White House is talking about it and trying to get Spotify to take him down.

So it’s a big ole’ bowl of drama…

But here’s what’s interesting to me…

In these situations too many people take sides.

And they simply support “their side”.

They don’t support the “free exchange of ideas”.

Case in point…

If you’re screaming and hollerin’ that Joe Rogan has every right to have whatever guests he wants on his show…

But on the otherhand you’re supporting certain books being banned from schools because you don’t like the content…

Then you don’t actually support the free exchange of ideas.

You just support the free exchange of ideas when you agree with the content.

Which is stupid.

Cause that’s the furthest thing from freedom.

Supporting the free exchange of ideas means supporting people being allowed to say things that you don’t agree with. 

i.e. “I don’t agree with what you’re saying, but I will defend your right to say it”

You can see this same controversy playing out with the trucker convoy that’s happening in Canada right now.

If you missed this, basically a bunch of truck drivers are protesting the vaccine mandates that are going on in Canada.

And what’s interesting to me is that people are reacting to this solely based on their politics.

For example…

A guy I know from college, has been posting on Facebook non-stop in support of the truckers.

He’s donating money…

He’s calling them heroes…

Which is all fine and dandy…

But this was the same guy that during the Black Lives Matter protests, was posting that the military needed to come in and shut the whole thing down.

He’s a perfect example of what I’m talking about.

He doesn’t actually support the free exchange of ideas.

He only supports it when it aligns with his views.

And to me that’s a problem.

I mean, you have every right to disagree with someone…

Or to not support their cause…

But when you’re trying to silence them.

Or you try to use force to put an end to them, that’s a problem.

Cause that’s a slippery slope to censorship.

And authoritarianism.

And make no mistake, many people want this.

They want to live in a world where the only thing people are allowed to say is stuff that they agree with.

But anyone with a few brain cells understands why this is a bad idea.

That’s why I think its crucial we make a shift here.

A shift away from only supporting “our side”.

And to supporting the free exchange of ideas (even if we disagree with those ideas).

I know that’s a big fight.

And it won’t be easy.

But I think it needs to be at the heart of who we are.

Cause without a free exchange of ideas, we’re not really free. 

Alright, that’s all I got for ya this morning.

Hopefully this gave you something to think about…

And shifted a few thoughts for you.

Enjoy your Sunday,

– Justin

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