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Something I’ve really focused on in the last 18 months is making money in a way that I truly enjoy…


Cause there’s a million different ways to make money, but there’s probably only a few ways that you’ll actually enjoy…

For example…

I have very different levels of enjoyment when it comes to writing vs. doing coaching calls

When it comes to writing, I feel at home.

I love putting together the outline…

Coming up with an idea…

Editing my words…

And seeing the final piece.

So when I’m getting paid to write, I look forward to it…

And I truly enjoy it.

However on the other side…

I have a very different enjoyment level with something like coaching calls.


Cause I have no interest in being on Zoom multiple times a week coaching people…

I’m an introvert by nature…

So having to put out a bunch of energy on a call can be exhausting for me. 

I don’t mind doing them from time to time (I’m currently doing some coaching calls for my list building training)…

But the idea of doing coaching calls multiple times a week…

For 2-3 hours at a time…

It’s just not for me.

I wouldn’t enjoy it…

And I’d start to dread the days I had coaching calls…

So I simply don’t do them very often.

Which might seem like an obvious thing to you…

But I can tell you from experience…

Most people don’t think like this.

Most people simply chase the things that will make them the most money (like I used to do)…

And they ignore the part about finding a way to make money that they’ll actually enjoy.

But it’s important to think about this…

Cause if you’re always doing shit you don’t enjoy…

Your life will feel like a grind.

You’ll start to hate your life…

And you’ll dread waking up each morning…

But if you actually enjoy what you’re doing…

Then life is a lot easier…

And more enjoyable…

So my advice?

Don’t just chase money at all costs…

Find something that not only makes you good money…

But that you also enjoy as well.

That’s a simple idea…

But it’s one that can have a profound effect on your life if you put it to use.

So keep it in mind…

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.