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Back in 2014 I learrned a marketing concept that wound-up making me a few million bucks…

It went something like this…

“Sell people what they WANT, not what they NEED”

Well last week when I was on the beach in Sayulita, this concept was on full display.

Here’s the story…

On Mexican beaches, there are hundreds of vendors selling everything from jewelry to temporary tattoos to donuts.

And every 30 seconds or so, someone stops and asks you to buy something.

So being the nerdy marketer that I am, I started to pay attention.

I was curious to see what sold well…

And what didn’t…

And after a week of observing this…

It became pretty obvious that what sold the best, were things that people WANTED.

Specifically, I saw 3 things sell really well…

1.  Umbrellas/Tents/Chairs

2.  Frozen drinks (margaritas, pina coladas etc…)

3.  Drugs (mostly pot)

Now, what do these things have in common?

They’re all things that people WANT when they’re on a beach.

They want chairs and umbrellas so they can escape the sun and not have to lay in the sand…

They want frozen drinks because there’s nothing better on a sunny day than a frozen drink…

And they want pot because they’re on vacation and they want to relax…

Now, nobody “needs” any of these things…

They simply want them. 

And they’re willing to shell out money for them.

Now, let’s contrast that to what people actually need when they’re at the beach…

Maybe some sunscreen…

Or bottled water…

Do you think water and sunscreen would sell better than umbrellas, frozen drinks and pot?


Cause people don’t really WANT want those things…

Point being…

You always want to sell something that people REALLY want…

You don’t want to have to convince them…

Or force them to make a logical choice…

You want the sale to be easy.

And the only way it can be easy is by selling people something they already want.

I know this might sound simple…

But if you get it right…

You will make a lot of moolah.

So keep it in mind…

And enjoy your Wednesday.

– Justin


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