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For the last 7-8 months the word “simplify” has continued to come up over and over again for me.


Because I have a lot of opportunities that come my way.

Every week someone is hitting me up to partner on a project with them…

Or to help them promote something… 

If I said “yes” to everything that came my way, I’d never get anything done.

So I’ve been narrowing my focus.

And for me that focus means…

– Copy Accelerator (this includes the full mastermind as well as the LITE program)

– Justin Goff Marketing Letter (launched last week)

– Secret project X (coming early 2021)

Those 3 things are my main focus right now.

So anything that is outside of those projects…

I’m saying “no” to.

One thing I can tell you, is that it’s very freeing to have this kind of clarity.

It’s not something I usually have.

But so far I’m digging it.

Cause it’s helping me keep my eyes on what matters.

And I’m blocking out all the other opportunities.

Which is important…

Learning how to say “no”…

And knowing which opportunities to focus on is a REAL skill. 

It’s easy to say “yes” to everything.

But once you start doing that…

The things that really matter start to suffer.

Point being…

If you can narrow your focus…

And get clear on what you really want to focus on over the next 6 months…

I think it will help you a lot.

It’s been a game-changer for me.

That’s all I got for ya today…

Enjoy your Monday,

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.