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A few months ago, I noticed that I was spending a lot of time each morning doing stuff I didn’t want to do.

Things like emptying the dishwasher, washing George’s blankets, running to Target etc…

Which was a problem.

Because mornings are when I get my best work done.

It’s when I write this email…

And it’s when I knock-out one BIG task that will move the needle in my business.

But I wasn’t able to focus on that stuff…

Cause I was too busy doing stuff like unloading the dishwasher…

Funny enough around this same time, I was at dinner with the boys from VShred… and Nick Daniel (one of the founders of VShred) mentioned that he had an in-home assistant that did all of this for him.

“Yeh, she comes in, cleans, tidies the place up, and runs any errands I need done.” he said.

My first thought was “Damn, that’s what I need”.

I’ve always had an assistant who helps with things like tax forms and spreadsheets.

But I’ve never had someone who’s helped around the house. 

So after that dinner, I whipped up a job description for a “help at home” person and put it on Craigslist.

I wasn’t looking for a maid…

Or an assistant…

Basically I wanted someone who could “do it all”

Someone who could clean the kitchen, unload the dishwasher, rake leaves…

And also pick up groceries for me, run to the post office etc…

This all shit that needs done.

But I don’t have to do it myself.

After my post went live on Craigslist, I wound up getting 18 applicants for the job.

Most of them were terrible.

And didn’t follow the directions I laid out for them (this is an easy way to weed out the bad applicants right away).

I finally settled on 3 of them.

And I did a Zoom interview with each of them.

The one I ended up going with, Heather, clicked with me right  away.

She was organized…


And she could do stuff on her own without me micro-managing her.

So we started with a 3-week trial. 

I paid her 20 bucks an hour. 

And she did an incredible job right off the bat.

Having her here every morning has been a game-changer for me.

She basically comes over at 9 AM and works for  2-3 hours each morning.

She washes all the dishes, unloads the dishwasher, wipes down the kitchen, picks up the living room, washes George’s blankets, makes my bed, organizes my bathroom.

She usually does all that in the first hour.

And then after that she’ll do miscellaneous stuff that needs done.

Usually I have stuff for her to drop off at the Post Office. 

Or she picks up George’s food.

Or grabs paper towels at Target.

This is all stuff I was doing before.

And it needed to be done…

But it just didn’t have to be done by me.

And once I did the math on how much I was paying Heather, it was a no-brainer.

It came out to like $13k-$15k for the year that I’m paying her.

Which is worth every penny.

Especially considering an hour of my time is worth over $1000. 


I wanted to share that with ya since it’s been a big needle mover for me this year.

Now that Heather is here in the mornings, I have a lot more free time.

And I’m not wasting my time on stuff I don’t even want to do in the first place (i.e. washing dishes).

So if you have the money…

And you don’t already have someone like this…

I highly recommend finding someone.

You’ll be a lot less stressed.

And you can get back to focusing on the things that really matter for you. 

That’s all I got for today…

Enjoy your Friday,

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.