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One of the worst things you can do as a marketer is to stop asking questions because you think you already “know everything” about your market. 

Case in point…

Yesterday I mentioned I’m gonna do a 1-day training later this month on list building…

In my email, I said I was gonna show you…

– the best traffic sources (both paid and organic)

– different types of optin pages and low-ticket offers that are working

– and last but not least, how to fill your list with “people with money” (and not tire kickers)

I could have easily just stopped there.

And made this my pitch…

And I’m sure it would have done well.

But I’m not arrogant enough to think I have all the answers.

So I sent you a simple question yesterday…

What’s the #1 thing you want to know about list building? 

That was the question.

And I’d say close to 400 people responded.

And guess what?

The answers gave me tons of insight into questions and problems you have that I was not thinking of.

Things like…

– what type of “lead magnets” are working best?

– how do I start a list if nobody knows who I am, and I’m not an expert in anything?

– does this only work for the “make money” niche, or are you gonna share other examples?

– what niche should I start a list in?

– what email platform should I use if I start a list?

– how can I build a list without spending money on ads or creating content on social media?

Those were just a few of the responses that came in.

So guess what I’m gonna do?

I’m gonna take all those responses…

And tailor the training around it.

So I’m gonna show ya things like…

– how to acquire an 8000 person list for $0 out of your pocket (I actually just gave some advice to my buddy Joe on how to do this in the dating niche, and he’s working on doing it now)

– high-converting opt-in pages and low-ticket offers that are working right now in niches like fitness, survival, guitar training, crypto, health, dating, precious metals, copywriting, gun enthusiasts and more…

– the best perfoming lead magnets that repel “tire kickers” and put “people with money” onto your list (I’ll also show you how to test these lead magnets to make sure they’re a winner before you even create them)

So there ya go…

That’s a few of the things I’m gonna teach ya during the training.

Obviously, there will be a lot more as this is gonna be an indepth 3-4 hour training…

But the point I want to get across to you is simple…

No matter how good you get at marketing…

Or at writing copy…

You always want to be OPEN to hearing what people are saying.

This is what good marketers do.

They listen.

They don’t think they know everything…

They simply listen to what people are asking for.

And then they sell them it.

This is such a simple idea…

But most marketers don’t do it.

They get “too big for their britches”, and think they know everything.

You always want to be asking questions…

And listening.

That’s the secret.

Hope this was helpful…

– Justin

P.S. – I’ll send ya more info about the list building training in a few weeks.

It will be towards the end of the month. 

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.