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Nearly every copywriter has a 2-3 hour block of  time where they get more writing done than any other time of the day.

For example…

I write my best early in the morning.


Cause it’s quiet.

And when there’s no distractions in my house.

George is still asleep…

My assistant isn’t here yet…

And the Amazon guy isn’t ringing the doorbell every 10 minutes with a new package to drop off.

It’s just me and my laptop.

So I sit down and write my daily email.

And for me, my daily email is the most important thing in my business.

It’s what connects me to you…

And it’s where all of the people in my coaching programs come from. 

So for me, writing a daily email is priority numero uno.

And I know from experience that if I don’t write my email first thing in the morning, it doesn’t get done.

So everyday it’s the first thing I do.

And I’m pretty strict about this.

Doesn’t matter if it’s a weekend (like today)…

Or if I’m out of town (like last week when I was in Utah)…

I still get up every morning and I write this email.

Because like I said, it’s the most important part of my business.

And if I tried to write it let’s say in the afternoon, it would never get done.

I’d be too busy.

Or I’d get tired and not want to do it.

So I write it first thing in the morning.

That’s what works for me.

And it might work for you as well.

The key is to figure out the time of the day when you write the best.

And to make sure you’re getting your most important writing done during that time.

My friend Craig Ballantyne calls this “magic time”.

Basically it’s a 2-3 hour period in the day when you get wayyy more done than any other time.

And figuring out when your “magic time” is, is HUGE if you’re writing copy.

Cause it will help you get more done in less time.


If you want to learn more about this, Craig and I are hopping on a Zoom call tomorrow to talk about it.

Basically we’ll be talking about how to get more done in less time.

And Craig will be sharing some of the new stuff that’s working for him.

We’ll do all that on Zoom tomorrow.

There’s no pitch or anything like that.

Just a friendly hangout.

The call will be at 3 PM ET/Noon PT on Monday, October 14th (tomorrow).

So if you’re interested in joining us, make sure you register for the call.

Here’s the link…

-> Register for the Zoom call w/ Justin and Craig

See ya tomorrow…

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.