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If you’ve been reading my emails this week, you’ve seen me hyping up a copy training program called Copyhour.

I’ve shown you all the success stories of Copyhour students like…

Ian Stanley…

Ning Li…

Austin Lee…

Chris Orzechowski…

Randall Pruitt…

Jamie Lynch…

And Dan Ferrari…

So you know all the “good stuff” about Copyhour.


In this email, I’m gonna turn the tables on Copyhour.

And instead of praising the program…

I’m gonna talk about what I consider the biggest downside of the program.

Now the biggest downside of the program is also the reason the program works so well.

And that’s the fact that with Copyhour you have to…

Write every single day!

This is the crux of why Copyhour works so well.

It prompts you to write every day…

And by writing every day…

Your copy skills start to grow…

And they compound on top of each other…

So in week 2 you’re a better writer than you were in week 1…

And in week 7 you’re a much better writer than you were in week 3…

That’s the power of writing every day.

And like I said…

It flat out works.

However as simple as that idea is…

In my experience, a lot of people don’t have the discipline to write every single day.

They might start out hot…

Or they might be committed at the beginning…

But at some point they lose interest…

Or they get distracted by another shiny object…

And they stop writing each day.

This is bound to happen to a few people.

It’s kind of like Navy SEALS training…

There’s 200 prospects on day one, itching and ready to go… 

But by the end of BUDS, there’s only 50 guys left standing.

That’s the reality of SEAL training…

And that’s the reality of Copyhour as well.

So I want you to be aware of that. 

However I will offer you some solace…

And this is 100% true.

Even if you sign-up for Copyhour and you don’t complete the entire program…

Your copy will be leaps and bounds better than it is today. 

For example…

Let’s say you stick with the program for 4 weeks…

And then life gets in the way…

And you have to tend to other things…

So you stop doing the daily writing assigments after 4 weeks.

That still means you spent 4 weeks writing copy every single day!

And because you did that…

You’re gonna be a much better copywriter after those 4 weeks than you are right now.

I can guarantee you that.

So don’t let perfection get in the way of progress.

Cause what we’re after is progress…

That’s my 2 cents on the whole thing.

So do what you wish with that info…

But I wanted to address that…

Cause I know it’s on a lot of people’s minds.

And if this has you motivated to be a part of Copyhour…

Then I suggest you get signed up.

Cause today is the LAST day to sign-up for the January cohort.

The deadline to join is 11:59 PM PT tonight.

So the clock is ticking.

And if you try to sign-up tomorrow…

Or later this week…

They ain’t gonna let you in.

Cause the program officially starts tomorrow, January 8th.

So if you want to be a part of the January group…

And you want to get damn good at writing copy in the next 90 days…

Then I suggest you get signed up for Copyhour right here.

I’m a huge fan of this program…

Cause it’s proven to change lives…

So I hope you join.

You can read all about the program, and see if it’s a fit for you right here.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.