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The last few days I’ve been singing the praises of my 1-Day Cash Machine for making a lot of sales to a list.


Cause it works.

And it makes selling to your list super simple.

You don’t need a 30-page sales letter…

Or some complicated funnel with 15 moving parts.

All you need is a checkout page.

So there’s a lot of benefits to the 1-Day Cash Machine.


I’ll be very upfront with you…

It won’t work in every situation…

And it probably won’t work for everyone who tries it…

So I want to give you a few examples of situations where I think the 1-Day Cash Machine will NOT work.

Starting with…

1. If you try to use it on cold traffic

If you’re running traffic from Facebook or Youtube, the 1-Day Cash Machine is NOT the way to make sales.


Cause that’s not what it’s intended for.

It’s meant to make sales to a list that you have a little bit of trust with. 

So if you try to use it on cold traffic, it ain’t gonna work.

Cause there’s no trust there.

For cold traffic, you’d be better off using a typical funnel with long copy.

And then go ahead and use the 1-Day Cash Machine to sell things to people once they’re on your list…

So that’s one situation where I think the 1-Day Cash Machine wouldn’t work.

Let’s look at a second situation where it might not work.

And that’s…

2.  If youre trying to sell a physical product

I have only ever run a 1-Day Cash Machine selling information.

So the three times I’ve run it, I’ve sold…

– how to write “Justin style emails”

– how to build an email list

– how to run a 1-Day Cash Machine (yes I’m aware of the irony of using the 1-Day Cash Machine to teach you how to run a 1-Day Cash Machine)

So it works really well for information.

And you can use it to sell information in any niche out there (i.e. health, fitness, investing, dating & relationships, online marketing, biz-op, dog training, hobbies like golf, guitar etc…)

However I have no idea if it would work to sell a physical product.

My guess is probably not. 

Cause the 1-Day Cash Machine is based on teaching some kind of skill or knowledge on a Zoom call.

So if you’re trying to sell some kind of physical product, this probably won’t be a great fit.

You’d be better off using a typical funnel…

Or an ecomm page…

Ok, so I just showed you two situations where I think the 1-Day Cash Machine will NOT work.

In addition to those two, I have one more for you.

And this one is probably the most important thing you have to get right with the 1-Day Cash Machine.

And that’s…

3.  It probably won’t work if you pick the wrong topic for your 1-Day Cash Machine

The topic you pick for your 1-Day Cash Machine is the most important part of the whole thing.

You can’t have an unappealing topic…

Or even a mediocre topic…

Cause there’s no sales letter to sell people on it.

So your topic/offer has to be highly appealing on it’s own.

For example…

When I did my 1-Day Cash Machine on list building, that topic absolutely crushed.


Cause building a list appealed to damn near everyone on my list.

It appealed to list owners who want to grow their list.

It appealed to copywriters who want to have their own list.

It appealed to people in 9-5 jobs looking to get into online marketing.

So that offer had high appeal to pretty much everyone on my list.

Which is why it crushed…

And why I made 454 sales and $89k in revenue on that one.

It was all about the topic. 

So when you decide to run one for yourself, you need to make sure you have a highly appealing topic. 

Now if you’re not sure how to do that…

Or you’re wondering what a highly appealing topic would be for your niche…

Don’t fret.

Cause I’m going to cover that in depth on the call on Wednesday.

I’ll show you examples of highly appealing topics from a bunch of different niches…

And I’ll even give you a fill-in-the-blank template you can use to create your own highly appealing topic for your 1-Day Cash Machine.

That way you’ll know exactly what to do.

And you’ll be able to run a highly profitable 1-Day Cash Machine to your list. 

So there ya go…

That’s a few of the situations where the 1-Day Cash Machine might NOT work for you.

So I wanted to share those.

Now if you’re still interested in learning how to run a 1-Day Cash Machine…

Then here’s the deets…

The 1-Day Cash Machine is where you teach a specific topic on a Zoom call (like how to build an email list, how to play a solo on the guitar, how to lose your gut and get abs etc…).

And then you get people on your list to pay to be on that Zoom call.  

As I mentioned, there’s no sales letter needed…

And no funnel with 14 different moving parts.

It’s simply a Zoom call.

And a checkout page.

And guess what?

These 1-Day Cash Machines have been working like crazy for me.

The first time I did one, I taught people how to write email copy and I made $54,766. 

And the second time I did one, I taught people how to build an email list and I made $89,832. 

So these things work…

And they’re also insanely simple to run. 

The cool thing is that any coach, expert, influencer or list owner (in any niche) could do the same thing that I’m doing.

You could run a 1-Day Cash Machine with dating & relationship trainings (like how to find Mr. Right, how to approach women, how to stop your divorce).

You could do it with investing trainings (crypto, forex, personal finance)…

You could do it with trainings on business (coaching, copywriting, getting clients etc)…

You could do it with trainings on hobbies people have (guitar, golf, photography etc…)

The possibilities are endless.

Which is why I’m ecited to host a special call this Wednesay showing you exactly how to run a highly profitable 1-Day Cash Machine.

On the call I’ll show you…

– how to come up with a “sexy” topic for your training that people will easily GIVE you money for (I’ll show you a bunch of examples of proven topics, and also give you a fill-in-the-blank template for creating your own “sexy” topic for your niche)

– how to price your training for your specific niche (this will vary based on your niche, so I’ll show you exactly how to price your training based on the niche you’re in to make the most sales possible)

– exactly what to say in the emails you send to your list (I’ll give you an entire swipe file of the emails I’ve used when doing a 1-Day Cash Machine and I’ll also show you the 4 most proven email angles to use to make maximum sales)

So that’s what you’ll learn on the call…

As I said, this is a brain-dead simple way for you to monetize your list if you’re a copywriter, coach, expert, consultant, influencer or list owner.

All you need is an email list…

And a topic to teach to your list…

And you’re on your way to making a lot of dough with the 1-Day Cash Machine.

So that’s what the call is all about.

As for the details…

It will take place this Wednesday, May 24th at noon ET on Zoom.

If you can’t make it to the live training, or if you need to step away from the call for any reason, you will get all the recordings from the training so you can watch it whenever you’d like.

As for the price…

I’ve done other trainings and workshops in the past that have ranged from $1500 all the way up to $25,000.

However this training won’t be that expensive. 

I think the 1-Day Cash Machine will be a big help for anyone with a list that wants to a quick influx of cash… 

So instead of charging $1500 or more…

The price is just $197.

So for $197, I’ll walk you through exactly how to run a profitable 1-Day Cash Machine to your list.

I’ll also give you swipe files with tons of examples of 1-Day Cash Machine offers and emails (in dozens of different niches) so you know exactly what to say and what to offer to your list…

So that’s the deal…

Again, the training will take place on Wednesday, May 24th on Zoom at noon ET/9 AM PT.

It will be recorded.

So if you can’t make it, or if you can’t be there for the whole thing, you’ll get the recordings sent to you the day after the training. 

That’s the deal…

So if you want to be a part of this training…

I suggest grabbing a spot today, cause I will be closing the sign-up page in about 36 hours.

And after that you won’t be able to get in.

So if you want to learn how to run a highly profitable 1-Day Cash Machine, just head over to the checkout and get signed up.

You can secure your spot right here.

Hope to see ya on the training…

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.