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Many, many years ago I asked Chris Haddad to give me some feedback on a sales page I wrote for a digestive supplement… 

And let’s just say his feedback was not pretty.

This was a page I had spent months working on…

I slaved over the details…

And I wrote 3 different versions of it…

After all that, I thought the copy was pretty good so I asked Chris for a second opinion.

His feedback?

“It’s flat as hell, with no emotion.  You’re not making me feel anything.  I’d go back to the drawing board”


That was not what I wanted to hear…

But in reality, it was what I needed to hear…

Cause he was right.

My copy was flat.

And it lacked emotion.

And one of the things Chris suggested for me to do was to comb through some old John Carlton ads to get a feel for what emotional copy really looks like.

So I did…

I poured through John’s infamous self defense and golf ads like a 12-year old who had found his dad’s Playboy.

And I quickly realized what Chris was talking about…

Every ad was full of emotion…

Like the self defense ad he wrote that started out…




She’s your girlfriend.  Your wife. Your daughter. Your sister, your mother or your best friend.  She’s a woman in danger…

And her safety is your responsibility as a MAN!

How do you explain to her that you never had the time to learn how to fight?


Can you feel all the energy in that copy?

And the emotion?

You can’t miss it.

Cause it smacks you across the face.

This is what energy and emotion looks like in copy.

And John was a master at it. 

Let’s look at another one of his famous golf ads…

This is a headline that ran for years and years in golf magazines (and it made John a lot of dough)…


How Does An Out-Of-Shape 55 Year-Old Golfer, Crippled By Arthritis & 71 Lbs Overweight, Still Consistently Humiliate PGA Tour Pros In Head To Head Matches By Hitting Every Tee Shot Further And Straighter Down The Fairway?


Can you feel the energy in this headline?

It’s full of life.

And I particularly love how he uses the word “humiliate” in there. 

That is power word.

Cause that word brings up all kinds of emotions. 

Passion, joy, anger, pain, shame…

It’s all in there.

John was the king of using “power words” like this to put energy in his copy.


Reason I bring this up is simple…

If you struggle with putting emotion and energy into your copy (like I do)…

There’s a whole treasure trove of John Carlton headlines and leads in the Copy Legends swipe file I’ve been telling you about for the past few days.

You can see the best headlines and leads John wrote in niches like golf, self defense, weight loss, bodybuilding and more…

It’s a masterclass in putting “energy” in your copy. 

So feel free to study ’em…

And swipe his power words to liven up your copy. 

I’d bet a pretty penny that if you do that, your ads, emails, and sales pages will all convert better.

So if that piques your interest… 

All the details on the Copy Legends swipe file can be found right here.

The Copy Legends swipe normally sells for $497, but if you grab a copy before the deadline tomorrow night (March 14th)…

You can get it for just $297.

So you save $200.

Which is nice.


You can see all 1,749 ads you’re getting in this collection, and pick yourself up a copy at the discounted price right here.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.