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I’m doing around 60 buyers a day now, if I could just figure the traffic thing out, I think I could scale to 1000 a day

This is an email I got yesterday in response to my announcment of my upcoming 1000 Buyers A Day course.

And this email didn’t surprise me…

It’s a common line of thought among offer owners who are doing 20, 40, 100 sales a day…

He thinks that his issue is “traffic”.

And once he figures the traffic out, he’ll be on the road to 1000 buyers a day.

I can tell you from experience that this is simply not true.


Because if your offer is truly the type of offer that could do 1000 buyers a day, there would be no shortage of traffic.

Media buyers would be lining up left and right to run traffic for you.

It happens everyday.

So the reason this guy is stuck at 60 buyers a day really has nothing to do with traffic.

It has to do with his conversions.

Either his sales page is not converting well enough on the front-end…

Or his average order value (AOV) isn’t high enough.

That’s really about it.

And it makes sense when you think about it…

If his AOV was $40-$50 higher, do you think he’d have a traffic problem?


If his sales page converted 80% better, do you think he’d have a traffic problem?


So the reason he can’t scale past 60 buyers a day has nothing to do with traffic…

It’s all about his conversions. 

Now, I want to point this out for a few reasons…

Because this is a very common misconception among offer owners.

They think once they get their “traffic figured out” they’ll be golden.

But traffic is almost never the issue. 

The reality is that it’s ALL about your offer.

And how well it converts…

And how high your AOV is…

That’s the issue. 

Obviously there’s a lot that goes into getting a high converting/high AOV offer (which I cover in the 1000 Buyers A Day course)…

But for now just keep in mind that if you want to scale to 1000 buyers a day…

Traffic is almost never the issue – your conversions are the issue.

That’s something I wish I would have learned a lot earlier.

Would have saved me a ton of headaches.

So hopefully it helps you…

–  Justin

P.S. – Just a heads up…

My 1000 Buyers A Day course launches this coming Tuesday.

This is basically my blueprint for how to create an offer that can scale to 1000 Buyers A Day.

I will warn you that it’s NOT a beginner course.

In fact, it’s quite advanced.

I even brought on 6 of the smartest marketers I know (who have all done 1000 buyers in a day) to help with it.

So you not only get my wisdom in the course, but you also get the wisdom of Chris Haddad, Jordan Hall, Jay Deiboldt, Dan Roitman, Joe Schriefer, Rudy Mawer and Stefan Georgi.

It’s pretty epic.

And I know the course is going to change a lot of people’s lives.

I still haven’t settled on a price for it yet.

Was bouncing between $1000 and $2000, but still need to figure that out.


If that piques your interest, be on the lookout for an email from me on Tuesday morning with more info. 

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.