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One idea that has made me a lot of dough over the years is selling people what they WANT (and not what they need).

For example…

In the paleo niche, there’s a belief by a lot of people that you should “just eat real food”.

Which means you should only eat things like meat, veggies, fruits, nuts etc…

Now a lot of people who are into paleo do this…

And they’re fine with it.


There’s a bunch of companies making a TON of dough selling people paleo foods they TRULY want.

I’m talking about things like cereal, cookies, breads etc…

Case in point…

There’s a brand called Magic Spoon that makes healthy, paleo cereal. 

So they basically make paleo versions of cereals like Fruit Loops, Frosted Flakes, Cocoa Puffs etc…

Which is really smart.


Cause that’s what people WANT.

They don’t want to eat eggs every morning…

They WANT to be able to eat the same stuff they normally eat, just a healthier version of it.

Which is what Magic Spoon offers.

And it’s why they’re growing like crazy.

They’re selling something that people WANT.

And that’s a big lesson that can make you millions if you truly grasp it.

Most people don’t want to buy the things they actually need.

They buy the things they WANT.

It’s why people buy supplements instead of gym memberships…

Or why we spend thousands on a TV, instead of books…

People buy the things that they WANT.

And you can try over and over again to sell them what they need…

But smart marketers realize it’s a whole lot easier to sell people things that they WANT. 

That’s a million dollar lesson right there…

So hopefully you embrace it.

That’s all I got for today…

Enjoy your Tuesday.

– Justin


If you’re interested in scaling your offer to 100, 500 or even 1000 sales a day, then I want to help you.

I’ve already helped businesses like VShred, Agora, Paleohacks and more to scale their offers, and I want to do the same for you.

If this piques your interest, give this a read, and see if it’s a fit for you.


If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.