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One of the emails I look forward to reading every single week is Brian Kurtz’s weekly email. 

If you don’t know Brian, he was the head of $150 million dollar Boardroom Inc for many years.

What’s even cooler is that Brian got to work with damn near every big name copywriter while he was there…

Including guys like Gary Bencivenga,  Gene Schwartz, Jim Rutz, Bill Jayme, Mel Martin, David Deutsch, Arthur Johnson, Eric Beutel, Parris Lampropolous and a bunch more…

And not only did he work with them…

But he got to know each of them personally.

Which is one of the reasons I read Brian’s newsletter every week. 

Cause he shares firsthand stories of what these guys are like.

My favorite was one he recently shared about Jim Rutz.

If you’ve never heard of Jim Rutz, he was like the 1a, and 1b to Gary Bencivenga.

And the first time Brian went to Jim’s house, he walked in his living room and saw stacks of direct mail promos that were piled 4-ft high.

No furniture…

No coffee table…

Just every direct mail promo this guy had ever gotten in the mail was piled against the wall.

And it was all organized by company.

So he had Agora promos in one area…

And Boardroom promos in another…

It was like a copywriter’s dream swipe file.

But instead of keeping it in an office…

Or a garage…

Jim basically turned his direct mail stacks into furniture for his living room.

I remember reading that and just laughing.

Cause you’re not gonna learn that kind of thing about someone anywhere else. 

Jim was an interesting guy to say the least.

And Brian likes to share these little tidbits each week that I find fascinating. 

So if you’re into that…

I highly recommend getting on Brian’s list.

He sends his email out once a week (usually on Sunday).

And it’s one of the few emails I make sure I read.

Anyways, if you’re not on his list yet, I recommend you hop on it.

You can do that here.

Also, before I go…

I mentioned yesterday that Brian is gonna do a little recap of the presentation  Stefan Georgi and I gave at Titans last week.

It was titled the 8 biggest mistakes that prevent an offer from converting on cold traffic.

We dove into all the big mistakes that prevent an offer from converting on cold traffic.

Some of the mistakes you might know (like not having a good lead) while others are fairly hidden to most marketers (even smart marketers).

But Brian is gonna do a little recap of that presentation this week in his email so if you want to see what we revealed, I’d get on his list.

Here’s the link again…

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.