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When someone buys your product there’s almost always an “event” that triggers that purchase.

For example…

Last year my mom bought a workout DVD and some resistance bands cause she wanted to lose 10 lbs.

But she didn’t buy these on a whim.

She did it because my sister’s wedding was a month away.

And wanted to look her best for it…

So this outside event (her daughter’s wedding) prompted her to get in shape…

Let’s look at another example…

A friend of mine who runs dating bootcamps for guys once told me that the majority of their sign-ups come on Sunday.


Well if a guy just spent Friday and Saturday night going out, hitting on girls, and he got rejected all weekend,  he’s gonna be pretty down on Sunday.

So he’ll be looking for ways to make himself feel better.

He doesn’t just want to let this problem linger.

He wants to fix it. 

So he signs up for the dating bootcamp.

Getting rejected all night on Friday and Saturday  is what triggered this purchase. 

Let’s look at another example…

You and a friend spend Friday night having dinner and your friend won’t shutup about all the money he’s made in crypto lately.

He shows you how he started with $1000, and now has close to $10,000 in just a few months.

You start to get major FOMO.

“I should be doing this” you think to yourself.

So the next morning you open up a Coinbase account and buy your first crypto currency.

This didn’t happen on a whim.

It happened because of a specific triggering event (your buddy making a bunch of money).

I can tell ya from experience that this is how most purchases happen.

There’s almost always a specific moment that triggers people to buy things.  

Sometimes people act on these right away…

Other times they won’t do anything and it will just be on their mind until they do…

Either way, it’s these triggering events that cause people to act.

And that’s an important thing to keep in mind.

Cause if you can bond with them on this while they’re reading your ad…

Or watching your VSL…

You have a much better chance of making a sale.

Keep that in mind.

– Justin

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