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Over the years, I’ve discovered a ton of ways to make money from an email list…

For example…

You can sell courses – these can be low ticket courses or high ticket courses.  I’ve seen people successfully sell courses in every niche imaginable like gut health, investing, guitar, dating advice, dog training, basketball shooting, cooking, biz-op and more…

You can also sell coaching – This could be 1-on-1 coaching, or group coaching.  For example, I recently paid a trainer $1500 to help me with my workouts for the next three months.  I’ve also run group coaching programs where I helped people get better at writing copy over an 8-week span.

You can sell live events – I know people who are successfully selling dating bootcamps, ayahuasca retreats and even camps where you learn to shoot a gun.  Live events work really well. And a small portion of your list will always want to do things with you in person…

I could list 10 other ways to make money from a list, but you get the point.

There’s no shortage of ways to do it.


I will say that in the last six months, I’ve discovered a new way that’s become my favorite way to make money from an email list.

I call it the “1-Day Cash Machine”.

If you’ve been on my list for a bit, you’ve seen me run a few 1-Day Cash Machines.

Basically what you do is you find a skill that your list REALLY wants to learn…

And you teach them that skill on a LIVE 90 minute Zoom training.

So for example…

I recently did a 1-Day Cash Machine on how to build an email list… 

That’s a topic I know my list is interested in…

And I was able to get 454 people to pony-up $197 to get on that training with me.

So in the end, I made a little over $89,400 doing a 90 minute training on Zoom. 

Not too shabby.

And here’s the cool thing…

You could use this same model for pretty much any niche out there…

So in men’s dating you could do a training on the best ways to approach women without getting rejected…

Or in the golf niche you could show your list how to add 20-30 yards to their drive without making massive changes to their swing…

Or in women’s fitness, you might show your list how to get a stronger, more toned booty in the next 30 days…

These are all skills that people are dying to learn.

And they will gladly pay you to teach them how to do it. 

All it takes from you is running a simple, live training on Zoom.

And what’s more…

Unlike most offers, the 1-Day Cash Machine does NOT require you to have a long sales page or a lengthy VSL.


You don’t need to write one.

Or even hire someone to write one. 

You can simply send people to a checkout page…

Or even a Paypal checkout.

And it will still convert like crazy.


In the two “Cash Machines” I’ve run to my list, I made $54,766 on the first one…

And $89,832 on the second one…

Which if you compare that to other things I’ve promoted, these are the two highest-selling offers I’ve had to my list in the last 12 months…

So they flat out work…

And they’re easy to setup because there’s no need for a VSL or a sales page. 


I’m a big fan of these 1-Day Cash Machines…

So if you’re interested in learning how to run one to your list (or to your client’s list)…

Keep your eyes peeled.

Cause I’ll have more info coming your way on Monday about a special training I’m doing that will show you how to do it.

More details to come…

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.