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A few years ago my coach, Brent, and I were talking about tough times when he dropped this gem…

 “Most of the human experience is dark and painful. The media and society tries to whitewash it and make it a little rosier, but the human experience for most people is pretty dark”  

I remember when he said this, it really struck a chord with me.


Cause I knew he was right.

Even if you’ve been lucky enough to have a relatively good life…

One where you haven’t had to experience wars in your country…

Or one where you’ve always had access to clean water…

You’ve probably still had a lot of darkness in your life…

Maybe it was a parent who abused you when you were younger…

Maybe you went through a rough divorce…

Or maybe it was a horrible illness that you or a loved one came down with.

All of these things are painful.

And going through them will make your life a much darker experience.

This is reality for most people.

Most people’s days are not filled with a whole lot of happiness.

And this is especially important to remember, as you get more successful.

Cause the more successful you get, the further you get away from where your buyer is.

I have to remind myself of this all the time.

My life was a lot darker in 2007 when I was scraping by on $1500 a month and living in a $250 apartment.

I was frustrated at my situation…

I was ashamed that I couldn’t do better…

I was scared to death that it was all gonna fall apart and I’d have to get a real job.

That was a much darker experience than what I feel today.

Point being…

The day to day life of most people is a darker experience than you think. 

So if you’re writing ads to them…

Keep this in mind.

They want out of their current situation…

They don’t want to have to feel like this anymore.

So if you can speak to all the shit they’re feeling, you can help them to get out that situation.

That’s all I got for today…

Enjoy your Friday,

– Justin

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