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Many years ago I heard hearing a story about the legendary Jim Rutz (one of the most successful copywriters of the 80s and 90s) where someone walked into his living room and they were shocked to see that Jim didn’t have any furniture. 

He didn’t have a couch…

Or a coffeetable…

Nope, none of that.

But what he did have was boxes and boxes of old copy stacked all over his living room.

So he had a box for Boardroom…

And a box for Rodale…

And a box for Phillips Publishing…

This was his “furniture”.

And he spent a lot of time on that “furniture” breaking down winning pieces of copy and using what he learned to become one of the highest-paid copywriters in the world.

Which is a hell of a story…

But does that mean you have to get rid of all your furniture if you want to be a top-tier copywriter?

No, I don’t believe so.

I have a couch (and a coffeetable) and I do pretty well. 


Jim’s story is illustrative of one of the key habits that I’ve seen in every top copywriter I’ve been around. 

And that’s having a HUGE swipe file.

You won’t find a top copywriter who doesn’t have a big ‘ole swipe file.

David Deutsch has one…

Craig Clemens has one…

Carline Anglade-Cole has one…

Hell, I have 8 boxes worth of my favorite swipes packed into my office closet.

And I add to my swipe file every week (which is key). 

Because everything I add to it, compounds.

Kind of like investing…

The more swipes I add to it, the more money I make. 


Cause the new swipes always inspire unique hooks for emails that I hadn’t thought of…

Or an interesting story that I can use in my copy.

That’s why you need a good swipe file.

And also why you need to consistently add new swipes to it every month. 

Obviously you can do this on your own.

And hunt-and-peck for the swipes online…

Or you can take the easy route and just grab the done-for-you Copy Legends Swipe File I’ve been telling you about all week.

Cause this swipe is loaded with ads from the “who’s who” of direct response like…

Jim Rutz, Gary Halbert, Dan Kennedy, Gene Schwartz, Clayton Makepeace, Ben Suarez, Joe Karbo, Ted Nicholas, Bill Jayme, Mel Martin, Gary Bencivenga and about fifty others…

There’s 1,749 ads and sales letters in the collection.

And they span every niche imaginable from health to investing to make money to piano to fitness…

So this swipe file is legit.

And honestly underpriced.

The normal price for the Copy Legends swipe file is $497.

And even at that price, it’s a steal.

But if you pick it up today, you can get the entire swipe file (all 1,749 ads) for just $297.

That’s a hell of a deal if you ask me.

But it’s only good for a few more days. 

So I suggest you snag yourself the Copy Legends Swipe File today at the discounted price while you still can.

You can see the exact ads in the collection, and get yourself a copy right here

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.