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One of the hardest things in business is to ignore the noise and stay focused on your ONE thing.

Case in point…

I write this email to you 6 days a week.

And I’ve written day-in and day-out for the last four years.

Now, writing the actual email isn’t hard…

It takes me like 30-40 minutes to do.

But it is hard to constantly come up with new ideas…

And to be consistent with writing every single day.

It’s much easier to skip days.

But for me, writing a daily email is my ONE thing.

It’s what I enjoy doing…

And it’s what moves the needle for me.

And I’ve been very intentional about my daily email for the past four years.

I’ve stayed focused on it…

Even though I see a LOT of opportunity with things like Youtube and TikTok…

And I could easily put time and effort in there…

Email is my ONE thing.

It’s what I’m the best at.

And what I enjoy doing the most.

And I think finding your ONE thing is important (especially early on in your career).

Cause most of the successful people I know are really damn good at one thing. 

That ONE thing could be email…

It could be running Facebook ads…

It could be doing a podcast…

Doesn’t matter what it is…

But I think it’s important to know yourself, and know what you’re good at. 

And to stick with it (even when there’s hundreds of other opportunities out there). 

That’s how you become successful.

And that’s how you make a lot of dough.

Find your ONE thing and stick to it.

Keep that in mind…

– Justin 

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.