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Many moons ago when I put out my first info product (The 31 Day Fat Loss Cure), I made a big  mistake with split testing that cost me a lot of dough.

Here’s the story…

My offer was kicking humming along, bringing in like 30-40 sales a day…

So I started looking for new things to test…

One thing I had heard from another marketer was that he got a bump in conversions from testing different “Add to cart” buttons.

Basically he tested different colors of the button, and it boosted conversions for him.

“Easy enough” I thought.

So I decided to test a green version of my button vs. an orange version.

The result?

A 3% increase in conversions after 300+ sales.

Now some people would be happy with this, and say “hey we got a boost!”.

But not me…

I felt like I wasted weeks of my time…

I spent hours setting everything up…

And all I got was a 3% boost in conversions.


This split test ended up being a turning point for me. 

Because around this same time, I was at the Traffic & Conversion conference…

And one of the guys speaking on split testing, said something that hit me like a ton of bricks.

We want big swings…not bunts” he said.

And what he meant by this was that he didn’t test little things like button color.

He tested BIG things…

The kind of things that really moved the needle…

Like a text sales page vs a VSL…

Or a totally new lead on your sales page…

Or new ads that are nothing like your old ones…

These are all big swings.

And big swings have the potential to get you a 30, 50, or 70% boost in conversions.

And that’s what you want.

This guy had no time for piddly 5% swings.

And the more I’ve done this and scaled my own offers, I’ve realized he was spot-on about this.

Cause here’s the truth…

You only have so much time for testing.

And if you test properly you can only run one (maybe two) tests at a time.

So you have to take big swings.

You don’t want to be testing something that can only move the needle 10% or so.

You want big changes.

That’s how you scale your offer.

So keep that in mind…

“Big swings, not bunts”

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.