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Last month I got woken up in the middle of the night by a strange Facebook message.

With my eyes half open, I reached over and grabbed my phone.

The message was from Rich Schefren.

I was a little surprised to see this.

Cause I don’t know Rich personally…

He sent me a nice email a few years ago after I presented on one of the infamous Agora mastermind calls.

But other than that, we’ve never talked…

So to get a message from him out of the blue was a bit strange.


Turns out his intentions were pure.

And he wanted to interview me for his “Steal Our Winners” membership site.

Basically every month he interviews a few really smart marketers and gets them to devulge a tactic that’s really working for them.

For example…

He did one recently with Rob Kosberg on how his F+S book funnel is doing a few hundred buyers a day (this one was really good)

And he did one with Anthony Morrison showing how he turned a $7 front-end offer into $10 million of revenue with all kinds of backend commissions.  

So he has some heavy hitters on this thing…

And I was honored to be included.

However I didn’t really know what to talk about.

Rich asked me if there was something really juicy I wanted to share.

Something that no one else had ever shared in the Steal Our Winners history.

So I thought about it for a few days…

I racked my brain trying to think of something that would help the most people. 

And came back to him.

“Upsells” I said. “Most people aren’t doing them right.  Even the big boys at Agora who you work with are missing out on some serious cash cause they’re not doing their upsells right”

I could tell Rich was a little skeptical.

After all, some of the Agora imprints make a couple hundred million dollars a year. 

So they know what they’re doing.

However once I started diving into some of my upsell secrets, Rich was furiously scribbling down notes.

“Ah shit, we don’t do that yet. That’s brilliant. I gotta test that” he said.

Over the next 40 minutes or so I told Rich damn near every secret I know about writing high converting upsells.

I gave away the farm…and then some.

It was like a true mastermind.

Now you might be wondering why I’m telling you this…

Well Rich hit me up the other day to let me know that my issue is about to go to print.

It includes me and 6 other superstar marketers.

And each of us are dishing out the best tactics that are working right now for us.

And Rich wanted me to let you know that he has a special deal going on where you can get my issue and try the whole thing out for a dollar.

Yep, a whole buck.

If you like it, you can stay a member.

If you don’t you can cancel it.

I’ve gone through 3 or 4 of the past issues already and they’re damn good.

Tons of actionable stuff.

It’s like being in a virtual mastermind with some of the smartest marketers in the world. 

So if that appeals to you, I highly recommend taking him up on the $1 trial.

The only catch is that you have to sign up before December 30th (Weds) to get the issue with me in it.

The link below will give ya all the details…

-> $1 trial to Rich Schefren’s Steal Our Winners


– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.