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Back in 2014, I read four pages of copy from A-list copywriter Parris Lampropoulos that wound up making me a couple million dollars…

Here’s how it happened…

At the time, I was on every direct mail list under the sun.

And most of what I received, wound up in the trash…

But one of the magalogs I got that year, caught my eye… 


Cause the headline on it was…

“Forbidden Fruit” Once Reserved For Chinese  Emperors  Restores Youthful Energy, Vitality And Sex Drive”

I was immediately sucked in.

So I started flipping through the pages…

The story was all about a Chinese Emperor who had a harem of over 100 different women.

And each night, the emperor would spend the night with 10 or more of these women!

Apparently it was his “royal duty” to satisfy them all.

But he was struggling to do so…

So he turned to a legendary Chinese herbalist, who made him a powerful mushroom tea that helped the emperor stay energized and virile all night long.

Honestly the story in the magalog was brilliant.

And that’s not surprising considering Parris wrote it.

But here’s the most interesting thing (and why this magalog wound-up making me a few million bucks)…

Before I got the magalog, I did not understand the concept of “leads” on a sales letter.

Sure, I knew a lead was the beginning of a sales letter…

However, I didn’t know you could simply re-write a lead with a new story, and keep the rest of the letter the same (and get a huge conversion bump because of it).

That idea was new to me at the time.

And that’s exactly what Parris’ magalog opened my eyes to.

Cause the Chinese emperor magalog, was the same magalog I had gotten in the mail three times before.   

Only this time, it was a different story…

He simply changed the lead from a story about Himalayan hikers to a story about a Chinese emperor.  

When I realized this, it was like one of those “baseball bat over the head” moments.

I saw all the possibilities…

And I realized I had left so much money on the table. 

So what did I do?

I immediately grabbed my laptop and wrote some new leads for our Patriot Power Greens supplement…

I wrote one that was a success story from a WW2 vet…

I wrote one that talked about how the doctor that created it was 61 years-old, yet he was winning martial arts tournaments against guys in their 30’s.

And guess what? 

Both those new leads wound-up kicking ass…

And they propelled us from $1 million in sales, all the way to $23 million in sales in just three years. 

So learning how to write a GREAT lead made me a lot of dough…

And I know it can do the same for you.

Which is why I decided to host a special Zoom call on the topic of leads this Wednesday.

Specifically I’m gonna show you a new style of lead that is beating “unbeatable” controls by 50-60%. 

I’ll show you two LIVE examples of this…

And show you how you can use this same style of lead on your client’s offers…

Or on your own offers…

This way you can make a bunch more sales, and a lot more dough for yourself. 

So that call is gonna go down this Wednesday.  

It will be me and Stefan Georgi hosting the call.

So if that floats your boat, make sure you register for the call and save yourself a seat.

We’ll kick off at 2 PM ET/11 AM PT.

As always, I’ll try to record the call for a replay, but no promises.

Just head to the link below and save yourself a seat…

-> NEW lead style boosts sales by 50-60%

See ya then…

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.