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There’s a few KEY decisions you make in life that determine whether your life is good or shit.

For example…

Last year,  Michael Rochin was a newbie copywriter who was trying to dig himself out of a financial hole.

He had just been fired from his customer service job, so money was tight.

And to make matters worse, Christmas was right around the corner.

Him and his wife didn’t have enough money to get his 2-year old daughter any presents.

Which was a heartbreaking feeling.

He felt like a failure as a man.

Like he couldn’t provide for his family…

However he simply couldn’t afford it…

His savings was quickly fading…

And he didn’t have any prospects for generating an incomee. 

So Michael was desperate to make anything happen.

He started applying for any and all jobs that he came across.

However, that just led to more disappintment.

He couldn’t even get hired as a delivery driver for Grub-hub.

So needless to say Michael was in a bad spot…

He was feeling down on his luck…

But luckily for him, things were about to change.

It was around this time that he heard of the Copy Accelerator events we put on.

“It sounded amazing, but I didn’t think I could afford it” he said.

He didn’t want to go into debt to go to the event..

However after a talk with his wife…

She encouraged him to come to the event.

So he wound-up working some odd jobs to scrape together the cash to make it happen.

He also did the whole event on a budget…

He drove instead of flying…

And stayed in the cheapest hotel possible…

It was pretty amazing that he made it that far.

However Michael’s problems were far from over…

Cause once he got to the event, Michael felt his imposter syndrome flaring up.

He felt like everyone was way ahead of him.

And that he didnt belong in the room. 

So he actually tried to sneak out of the room on the first day and leave (true story)

Luckily, my partner Stefan saw this happening…

He talked to Michael in the hall,  and told him he belonged in the room.

And that he needed to be in there.

After a little resistance, Michael finally went back to the room.

And took his seat.

And for the next two days, he soaked-up all of the copywriting breakdowns,  funnel insights and more.

By the end of the event, he was hooked.

But more importantly, he was convinced he could do this.  

He was already writing some copy on his own…

And he figured if he could just land a client or two…

He could get started.

That didn’t happen right away for Michael…

But about a month later, everything clicked into place.


One of the people he met at the event, wound up bringing Michael on as a full-time copywriter.

And agreed to pay him a 6-figure salary to write sales pages, emails and more.

So in the span of a few months, Michael went from struggling to pay his bills…

To making over 6-figures a year as a copywriter.

Which is amazing.

I love seeing stories like this.

And I truly love seeing good people like Michael succeed.

Which brings me back to my main point.

And that’s about decisions.

There’s a few key decisions you make in your life that will determine everything. 

For Michael this was one of those key decisions.

Had he gotten a job at Grub-hub…

Or had he not come to the event last March…

Who knows where he would be today.

I highly doubt he’d be making 6-figures…

And I doubt he’d have the freedom that he has today.

So to me, that was a BIG decision Michael made.

And it’s one that ended up changing his life…

And his family’s life forever…

And here’s the thing…

You have this decision in front of you now as well.

If you’re on the fence about coming to our Copy Accelerator event next week, I want you to think about how this decision could change your life.

If you don’t attend, who knows what’s next for you…

You might figure it out on your own…

Or you might not…

But if you do attend…

You’re gonna learn all kinds of copy and funnel tactics to…

– write offers that scale on cold traffic

– increase the AOV on an offer

– dial-in upsells

– boost the revenue from every email you write

– plus a whole lot more….

If you’re a copywriter, we’ll also connect you with over 40 business owners who are looking to hire writers at the event…

And if you have your own offers, we can connect you with 150+ copywriters (of all skill levels and price ranges) who can help you put out winning offers.


You’ll also get to hang with me, Stefan Georgi, Dan Ferrari, Rich Schefren,  Josh Snow, Ian Stanley, a mystery guest from Golden Hippo for 2.5 days…

So if that interests you…

And you’re ready to make a decision that could change your life forever…

Then I suggest you grab a ticket to the event.

Cause today is the LAST day to do it. 

After today we won’t be selling tickets.

So if you want to join us (either in person or virtually)…

Then today is the last day to do it.

This IS a big decision.

So I hope you make the right one.

You can get all the info on the event and grab your ticket right here

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.