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“Your buyers want unrealistic things”

If you ingrain this line into your head, it will make you a lot of money. 


Because the people that read your copy all want unrealistic things to happen.

Ill give ya an example…

Back when I wrote copy in the men’s dating niche, I realized pretty quickly that most of the guys wanted things that were completely unrealistic.

For example…

– Some of the guys who had no social skills, and nothing going on in their life wanted to be able to walk up to the hottest woman in a bar and take her home.  The odds of that happening were practically 0, but that’s what they wanted

– Most of the guys were also terrified of approaching women (cause they know how painful and embarrassing it can be when it doesn’t go well). So they had this big desire to meet gorgeous women, but they didn’t want to approach them to do it. Well if they don’t take the reigns and say “hi” to a woman, their odds of meeting someone is pretty much nil.  So again, unrealistic. 

– I also noticed that some of the guys were out-of-shape, they dressed like shit, they had bad haircuts and they had the personality of a sheet of cardboard.  So they weren’t exactly a “catch”.  Yet they had no interest in working on themselves and fixing those problems. They just wanted the “magical pick up line” that was going to get them women

– BTW the magical pick-up line this is another example of unrealistic expectations.  Most guys think if they have the right line to say to a woman, she’ll be into him. Which is ridiculous.  Any guy who is actually good with women will tell you it’s a combination of being fun, confident, challenging, going deep, playfully touching her, and leading so that she can feel safe with you.  Well guess what?  That’s not an answer that most guys want to hear.  Cause that sounds like a lot of work.  They’d rather hear that there’s a magical line that will do all the work for them.

I could go on and on with this…

But you get the point.

And my point is this…

Most people want unrealistic things to happen.

That’s what they want.

And this happens in every niche out there…

People in the financial niche want to become a millionaire from a $50 investment…

Fat people want to keep inhaling pasta and chugging 2-liters of Coke and still lose weight…

Golfers want to hit the ball 20 yards further without practicing at the range, or changing their swing…

Obviously all of these things are completely unrealistic.

But it’s what people want.

So if you want to make a sale…

Your offer has to get as close as humanly possible to the completely unrealistic things that people want. 

That’s a million dollar lesson.

Fat people don’t want “diet and exercise”…

And investors don’t want “average returns”…

They want unrealistic things.

So you want your offer to be as close as possible to giving them those unrealistic things.  

Cause if you can do that…

You’ll have an avalanche of sales coming in…

And a nice, fat bank account.

So keep it in mind. 

– Justin

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