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One of the best emails I ever wrote was a complete dud the first time I tested it, but after a little tweak, it eventually brought in over 60,000 buyers in a single year!

How is that possible?

Here’s the story…

Back in 2016 I had an offer called Patriot Power Greens (which was an anti-aging greens drink that we sold to seniors).

So I wrote an email about the doctor who helped us formulate the drink, Dr. Sebring.

I talked about how he spoke at Harvard…

How he served in the military…

And how he was one of the first doctors in the U.S. to embrace the paleo diet.

I figured all the credibility would sell well.

But when we ran the email it was a complete flop.

So I went back to the drawing board…

And decided to try to come up with a new angle.

But I was struggling to come up with an idea.

Nothing was clicking…

And everything just felt generic…

That’s when my copy coach (David Deutsch) gave me an idea that changed everything.

“You should really play up how impressive this doctor is for 61 years old.  He’s competing in all these martial arts tournaments, and he looks like he’s 20 years younger than he is.  That’s something everyone wants when they get older. That should be the angle”.

So I took ole’ DD’s idea and I ran with it.

And I wrote an email basically “selling the dream” of being like Dr. Sebring.

I talked about how he was whipping guys half his age in martial arts tournaments…

How he routinely was mistaken for someone 20 years younger…

And how his blood pressure and blood sugar numbers were comparable to an elite athlete.

And all this at the age of 61!

I had no idea how the email would do…

But the first time we tested it to the Newsmax list,  the sales numbers were shocking.

I think we spent around $6000 on that email drop, and after the first day it had already brought in $17,000 in sales.

Usually we were happy if we broke even on these email drops.

But this one brought in nearly a 3x ROI on the first day!

So it was a huge winner…

And that email continued to crush the more we ran it, and it wound up bringing in more than 60,000 buyers that year!

So all-in-all that email was a “homerun”. 

And what’s more…

Ever since I saw how well the “selling the dream” hook worked, I’ve used it over and over again in numerous niches with even more success.

It’s worked in men’s dating…

It’s worked in fitness…

It’s worked in the online marketing niche…

It just continues to work over and over again.

Which is why I keep using it…

And why I plan on teaching you the ins-and-outs of using this hook in your emails next Wednesday on the training I’m hosting.

The training is called the “13 most profitable email hooks of all time”.

And on the training, I’ll walk you through each one of my best performing email hooks including…

– the “S.T.D. hook” that brought in over 60,000 buyers for a supplement offer in a single year 

– the “Truth Serum hook” that outperformed every other email in a recent launch and helped me nab 2nd place in the launch 

– the “P.O.T.P. hook” that crushes in niches where your buyers are highly skeptical (like “make money”, fitness, financial and health)

– the “Admission hook” that sold 112 units of a $1997 physical product ($223k in total sales)

– the “M.I.T. hook” that’s probably the easiest email to write, but also continues to dominate in niches like dating, financial and health

– the “Dr. Doom hook” that I’ve used to DOUBLE the sales on the last day of a sale or a launch

– the “BL tease” that makes it as easy as pie to sell courses, ebooks and information products 

– the “tin foil hook” that’s so weird and outlandish that it gets massive open rates which in turn leads to big sales

– the “Therapy Mirror” hook that’s pulled in more sales than any other email I’ve sent in 2023 (this is by far the best performing hook I’ve used this year)

– Plus many, many more of the most profitable email hooks of all time

So that’s what I’m gonna reveal on the training…

I’m also gonna give you an entire swipe file of all the email hooks I go over on the training.

So you’ll have that swipe file to keep…

And you can refer back to it anytime you need an idea for an email.

I put a ton of effort into this training…

And I think it will be insanely helpful (and profitable) for you if…

– You have your own email list…

– You write email copy for clients…

– You’re a list manager…

– Or you want to finally take the leap and get into email copywriting for the first time…

If any of those sound like you…

Then this training will be right up your alley.

Cause here’s the truth…

You can spend years and years testing new email hooks and try to figure out which ones work best…


You can simply use the 13 highly profitable hooks I’m gonna share with you on the training.

I already slaved over the ideas…

I spent hundreds of hours writing the copy….

I ran split test after split test…

And now instead of doing the same yourself…

You can just swoop in and use the winning hooks that I’m gonna show you. 

So if that appeals to you…

Then I suggest getting on this training next Wednesday, June 14th at noon ET/9 AM PT. 

Plan on the training lasting about 2 hours…

If you can’t make it to the live training, or if you need to step away for any reason, you will get all the recordings from the training so you can watch it whenever you’d like.

So that’s the deal…

If you’re wondering about the price of the training…

Many of the online trainings and workshops I’ve done in the past have cost as much as $1500.

But this one won’t cost you $1500.

In fact, it won’t even cost you a third of that…

If you sign-up today, the price for the training is just $197. 

So for $197, I’ll show you each one of the 13 most profitable email hooks of all time.

I’ll give you a swipe file with examples of each one…

And I’ll even show you how to use each hook in a variety of niches. 

That way you won’t have to struggle with coming up with hooks and angles for your emails ever again.

You can simply use the 13 hooks I give you that are battle tested and PROVEN winners. 

So if that interests you…

I suggest you snag a spot on the training.

Again, it will take place on Wednesday, June 14th on Zoom at noon ET/9 AM PT.

It will be recorded.

So if you can’t make it, or if you can’t be there for the whole thing, you’ll get the recordings sent to you the day after the training. 

I don’t have a fancy sales page to sell you on this training.

So if you want to be a part of it, and you want to learn the 13 most profitable email hooks of all time…

Then just head over to the checkout page and get signed up.

You can grab your spot right here.

Hope to see ya on the training…

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.