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Take a look at this picture…

That’s me on the left (back in 2009 when I had hair, and couldn’t grow a beard). 

And that’s Shoemoney (Jeremy Schoemaker) on the right. 

Jeremy was a legend in the affiliate world back in the mid 2000’s, and was also one of my first mentors in business. 

I read his blog religiously…

And studied everything he posted on WickedFire…

I was always looking to learn from him…

And then one day out of the blue, he mentioned that he was putting on a small event called “Elite Retreat”.  

The goal of the event was for people to get 1-on-1 access to him and his team…

Which sounded amazing.

Especially because at the time I was trying to do lead gen on Facebook for a dental office (which Jeremy was crushing with).

Jeremy already knew what ads worked best to generate dental leads… 

He knew what the targeting should be… 

He knew how much to charge the dentist for each lead you sent them…

He knew all that. 

So I figured if I could pick his brain, and have him tell me exactly what to do, it would significantly “shortcut” my learning process. 

The only problem was…

The investment to go to the event was not cheap.

I believe it was $5k.

And at the time, I only had like $7k to my name.

So dropping $5k on the event would leave me with barely enough money to live on.

So I was in a pickle…

But the more I thought about it…

The more I realized that if I was able to dial this dental lead gen thing in, I could easily make that $5k back in a month or two.

So what did I do?

I anxiously pulled the trigger and plopped down the $5k.

As soon as the payment went through, I remember feeling a big sense of regret.

“What if I don’t learn anything”

“What if this is stuff I already know”

All that shit was going through my head.

I was worried I had made a bad decision.

But once I got to the event…

All those fears quickly melted away.

Because at the event, Shoemoney sat down with me, and walked me through his entire process for generating leads for dental offices…

He showed me the exact targeting he was using on Facebook (women with a college degree over the age of 30)…

He showed me all his ads…

And the exact landing pages he was using…

It was like getting a PhD in how to run a lead gen business. 

And it was exactly what I needed. 

I remember racing back to my hotel room that night and instantly changing all my ads and landing pages to what he recommended.

I did everything he said…

Implemented it to a “t”…

And within two weeks, my lead gen was firing on all cylinders.

I went from barely making $100 a week to pulling in $1200 on an average week.

So it was a big change.

And within a month I had made back the $5k I spent to go to the event. 

So getting that personal feedback from Jeremy was huge.

It helped me in ways a course couldn’t…

And it gave me the specific 1-on-1 attention I needed to take things to the next level…

Which ties in nicely with why I’m writing to you today…

Here’s the deal…

At the end of August, I’m going to be holding a 2-day advanced email marketing workshop at my house in Austin, TX.

This will be limited to 4 people.

And over the two days, I’m going to work with you 1-on-1 and show you…

– exactly what to say in your emails so they hit harder and bring in more sales

– how to grow your list by adding higher quality leads and buyers to your list

– the specific offers that would be guaranteed homeruns to your list

– hidden revenue boosters you’re missing out on that you could easily add to increase your monthly revenue

– and a whole lot more…

During the workshop you’ll get lots of 1-on-1 time with me…

So I’ll dive into how you’re putting new leads and buyers onto your list…

What you’re writing in your emails…

The offers you’re promoting…

Your promo schedule…

I’ll go over all that. 

And after going through everything, I’ll give you direct feedback on things to change so you can increase your email revenue and grow your list. 

So that’s the deal.

Like I said this will be an in-person workshop at my house in Austin.

It’ll take place on August 29th and 30th.

It’s limited to 4 people.

Basically this is a beta-test for something I’m thinking about doing more of in 2024.

In 2024, I’m planning to offer these workshops for $12,000 a person. 

But for this first group in August, the price is just $7950.

So if you’re interested in being a part of this small, intimate email workshop…

Then I suggest filling out an application to attend.

I’ll be accepting applications until 5 PM CT on Friday.

And then I’ll take the weekend to go over the applications and to pick the four attendees who are the best fit for the workshop. 

If you’d like to attend and work with me 1-on-1, you can fill out your application right here.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.