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I mentioned in an email last week that I’ve been feeling burnt out.

Like I need a break.

So I’m finally taking one (a real one).

A couple weeks ago I booked a week-long stay at a resort in Cabo over Christmas.

My goal is to just unwind…

Get massages…

And lay on the beach.

I’m not taking my laptop with me (which frankly scares the shit out of me).

So for a week I won’t be doing any work.

I won’t be writing this email each morning…

I won’t be answering emails…

And I won’t be doing any planning for upcoming projects etc…

If this sounds like I’m making it out to be a big deal, it’s because it is a big deal… TO ME.

I haven’t taken a real, non-working vacation since I’ve been an entrepreneur (about 12 years now).

All of my travel usually involves work.

Even when I was hopping around Mykonos and Sweden a few summers ago.

I’ve never been able to completely disconnect from work.

So I’m doing that for the first time.

And frankly it’s a little scary.

Logically, I know that disconnecting for a week is not a big deal…

Nothing is gonna change.

But there’s a part of me that worries everything is gonna fall apart.

And there will be a big ole’ mess when I get back.

Like somehow the world is gonna stop working without me.

Maybe you can relate to this…

Maybe not…

Either way, just wanted to let ya know you won’t be getting a daily email from me for about a week.

I’m hoping I come back recharged…

And more clear-headed.


In the meantime, enjoy the holidays…

And the time with your loved ones.

Take care,

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.