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One of the biggest lessons you can learn in business is that no matter what you do, you’ll never make everyone happy.

For example…

I sent out a survey on Friday to get some feedback on how our Copy Accelerator event went.

And the feedback we got was great…

I was able to see which talks people liked…

I was able to see that people really loved the cocktail parties for networking…

I was also able to see that we need to step-up the food we serve at the next event…

So there were lots of good insights…

And the feedback will certainly make the next event even better.


You’re never going to please everyone (no matter what you do)

And that was obvious when I was reading the feedback.

One guy said that the breaks were too long, and that we needed shorter breaks in between talks.

Which is solid feedback…

However the person directly under him in the survey literally said the exact opposite.

“The breaks were too short, need more time in between talks to get outside and take a break”

So one guy thought the breaks were too long…

Another thought they were too short…

I’m not winning that battle no matter what I do.

Which brings me back to my original point.

No matter what you do, you can’t please everyone.

And this goes for everything…

If you create products, some people won’t like the product…

If you write copy for clients, some clients won’t like the copy…

It goes on an on.

No matter what you do, you won’t make 100% of the people happy.

It’s impossible.

And if you’re intent on doing it, you’ll drive yourself insane.

So my advice?

Do your best to make your stuff as good as it can be…

But understand that it will never be perfect.

Some people won’t like it.

And that’s ok.

Enjoy your Monday,

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.