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There’s a common mistake many copywriters make that instantly kills the sale.

And that mistake has to do with talking about what “you” want…

And NOT what the buyer wants.

Case in point…

On Saturday, I was catching up with my buddy Andrew, and I told him I was looking at buying a new grill for my backyard.

Andrew got all excited…

Cause he loves grilling.

And he nerds out on appliances.

So he spent like 15 minutes telling me all about the Traeger pellet grill he has.

Basically every weekend he makes either ribs or brisket on his grill. 

He told me all about the custom rubs he’s using.

And the different kind of sauces he’s been experimenting with.

Smoking meat has turned into a real hobby of his.

So he was excited to tell me all about it.

But here’s the thing…

Almost everything he was telling me about the grill was all about what HE LIKED.

He didn’t stop and ask me…

What are you planning on using the grill for?

Which is a mistake…

Cause I actually have no interest in smoking brisket or making ribs on the grill I’m getting.

I just want the best grill for cooking steaks on.

So him talking about smoking brisket and ribs for 15 minutes, did nothing to sell me on the Traeger grill.

He was just talking about stuff that didn’t appeal to me.

And guess what?

This same thing happens in your copy too.

You try to sell people on the stuff that you like.

And you don’t take the time to figure out what it is that your potential buyers want.

It’s like a car salesman talking to you for 10 minutes about the powertrain warranty on a car, and all you really care about is having a car that girls will stare at.

You’re missing the mark.

But the only way you can find the right mark is by asking.

You simply talk to past buyers…

And learn what they really want.

Cause once you know that…

You can write about what THEY actually want.

And not what you think they want.

This is a big, big mistake that even good copywriters make.

But if you simply ask…

You don’t have to make this mistake anymore.

Make sense?

Hope so.

Cause that’s all I got for ya today.

Enjoy your Monday.

– Justin

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