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I wanna show you how an old school basic/premium offer that Stefan and I used on a recent promotion brought us in $35,000.

Here’s the deets…

Last week you may have seen the emails I sent for the Double Your Copywriting Income challenge.

Overall we had 122 people sign-up for it…

Which brought in $35k in revenue.

Now here’s the interesting thing…

Originally I was just going to make the offer $197.

No upsells…

No other options…

I just wanted something we could quickly get setup…

So I didn’t want to mess around with a bunch of upsells.


At the last minute I decided to offer a basic option and a VIP option on the order form.

Which looked like this…

Basic -$197

VIP- $297 (on the VIP one, they get extra bonuses on getting clients, creating their own offer etc…)

My initial thought was that maybe 40% of the buyers would take the VIP option.

But turns out I was way off.

In the final tally, 82% of people took the higher-priced VIP option!

Which I was not expecting…

And that took our revenue from $24k to $35k by simply offering that second option.

So it was a win for us…

And it was also a win for everyone that bought it.

Cause they got a lot more value for just another $100. 


I wanted to share this with you for two reasons.

1.  The results were surprising to me that over 80% of the people took the VIP option…


2. It’s a good example of classic direct response strategies still working today.  

The basic/VIP option has been around in DR since the dawn of time.

You’ll see it used for event tickets…


Even physical products (I saw a windshield wiper offer that had the basic windshield wipers and then the premium windshield wipers which lasted 2x as long)

So the basic/VIP option is a winner…

Cause a certain percentage of people are always going to take the “VIP” package. 

This is one of the tried & tested strategies that just works over and over again. 

So it’s well worth a test.

Hope this was helpful…

And you use it to make some moolah.

Enjoy your Wednesday…

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.