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After coaching over 200 entrepreneurs and copywriters, I’ve seen a lot of patterns in the people that get results vs. the people that don’t get results.

Some of these have to do with work ethic…

Some have to do with focus (i.e. not jumping from one idea to the next)…

But one of the most common traits I see in the successful people is quite simple…

And that’s being OPEN to being coached.

And here’s what I mean by that…

One of the best success stories in Copy Accelerator is Joe Logalbo.

Joe posted in our private group this morning that they just had their first 500 sale day for their offer. 

So through a combination of Facebook/Youtube/Google they hit 500 sales in one day. 

This is not surprising to me.


Because Joe is very coachable.

He’s constantly asking questions…

He asks for feedback on his copy…

He approaches everything as a student who is open to learning. 

There’s no ego from Joe.

There’s no pushback when we tell him what he should do.

And this is a big reason why Joe is succesful.

He’s coachable.

I can tell you from coaching hundreds of people that most people are NOT like Joe.

I’ve worked with a number of entrepreneurs who are the polar opposite of Joe.

These are the kinds of guys who think they know everything already.

So instead of taking your advice and implementing it, they push back against it.

They’re essentially trying to prove you wrong.

So they “close themselves off” to your advice.

And no matter how much you try to help them, they never get anywhere. 

Cause they’re always taking one step forward,  and two steps back. 

It’s a constant tug-of-war with them.

And it’s because they’re not coachable. 

They’re not open to being a student.

They usually just want to prove how smart they are.

And in the end, they end up losing because of it.

They waste a lot of time…

And a lot of money…

Cause they’re not open to being coached.

Point being, one of the best things you can do is allow yourself to be coachable.

Allow yourself to be a student…

Doesn’t matter if you run a $100 million company…

Or you’re a fresh-off-the-street copywriter…

If you’re open to learning…

And you’re open to being coached…

You’re gonna be a whole lot more successful than you would be otherwise.

So keep that in mind…

That’s all I got for ya today.

– Justin

P.S. – if you haven’t grabbed your seat to our upcoming Copy Accelerator virtual event Feb 23-25, you should do that soon…

You’ll get to be coached by Stefan Georgi and I for 2.5 days while we share all of our top secrets for writing killer ads, sales pages and upsells.

Over 90 people have applied for a seat already at this event.

So if you want to snag one of the few remaining seats, then you can do that here

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.