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One of the best ways to bond with someone in copy is to talk about shared experiences…

For example…

When I was a little kid, every Sunday we always had a big family dinner at my grandparents house.

It was a weekly reuinion of sorts…

Everyone in my family would be there.  My Aunt Diane, Aunt Kim, Uncle Steve. 

And then my cousins Bill and Bob as well.

And each week my sweet grandma would slave away in the kitchen for hours and whip us up a feast.

She’d make a big ole’ spread with mac & cheese…

Green beans…

Mashed potatoes…

And porkshops.  

Looking back, I’m not even sure why we let her cook dinner.

Cause she was not very good at it.

Her specialty was dry porkchops.

But she loved to cook  for us.

So every Sunday we went to their house around 5 to eat.

I remember me and my cousin, Bill, just  scarfing down our food as fast as we could every week.

We wanted to eat as fast as possible because once dinner was over, that meant we could play Monopoly.

That was another part of the Sunday night tradition.

Grandpa would bust out the Monopoly board, and me, my sister, and my cousins would play Monopoly for hours.

We always played the “short way”. 

Which means you just hand out the properties at the beginning of the game.

That way, you can finish the game in like 2 hours.

This ritual went on pretty much every Sunday. 

What’s funny is that it’s probably been at least 18 years since I was at a Sunday dinner at their house.

But it was so ingrained in me, that I still think of it when Sunday rolls around.

And here’s what’s interesting…

Sunday dinner at my grandparents  house might seem like a small thing…

But if you’re writing copy, these kinds of stories really connect with people.

If I was writing to a conservative, 65+ audience, I would for sure share a story like this.

Cause that’s what they grew up with as well.

That’s when “times were better”.

And they probably miss having that family dinner.

The one where everyone actually talked, and people weren’t on their cell phones the whole time. 

That taps into a deep feeling they have.

And if we both grew up having Sunday dinners at our grandparents house, that immediately makes them like me more.

It’s these little moments that we bond over.

And it happens in person, just like it happens in copy.

So next time you’re writing some copy…

Try to share an experience you had that your reader had as well.

There’s no faster way to get them “on your side”.

That’s all I got for today.

Me and Georgie boy are off to the park.

Enjoy your Sunday,

– Justin

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