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A few years ago when I was at Tony Robbins big “Date With Destiny” event, I learned something that changed the way I looked at copy forever.

Tony was up on stage talking about relationships.  And sharing all the stuff that men need to know about women (and vice versa).

The particular topic he was talking about was “feeling safe”.

So to really drill it into our heads, Tony did was a simple demonstration…

“If you’re a woman and you’ve feared for your physical safety in the last 30 days, please stand up”

I looked around the room…

Every single woman in the room stood up.

I was a little shocked.

I had no idea women feared so much for their safety.

While all the women were standing, Tony went on…

“Now, if you’re a woman and you’ve feared for your physical safety in the past week,  please stay  standing” 

Probably 90% of the women stayed standing…

I remember thinking “holy shit this is crazy”.

As a man, I hardly ever think about my safety.

I walk alone at night.

I don’t think anything about walking through a dark parking garage.

It never even dawns on me to fear for my safety.

So this was very eye-opening. 

After all the women were standing for the second round, Tony took it one step further.

“Ok, now you’re a woman and you’ve feared for your physical safety in the last 24 hours, please stay standing” he said.

Damn near every woman that was standing stayed standing.

I remember being stunned.

And it hit me on multiple levels…

First as a man, it made me realize how naive I was to women’s fears of their safety.

I flashed back to many of my past relationships and thought of moments where I could have helped a girlfriend feel more safe.  

And since then, I’ve been much more cognizant of this when I’m dating a woman… or just hanging out with female friends. 

So it had a big impact on my relationships.

But the thing I want you to take away from this, is the REASON it had such an impact on me.

Cause there’s a good copy lesson here.

The reason it hit me so hard was because what Tony did was a powerful demonstration.

Having all the women stand up, and sit down as  he asked the questions hit me like a ton of bricks.

It was seared into my brain.

If Tony would have simply said  “women fear for their physical safety much more than guys ever will” it would not have connected with me as much.

Hell, I may not have even remembered it. 

But seeing the demonstration, was like a baseball bat over the head.

It woke me up.

And made it very clear how big of a problem this is for women. 

That’s the power of a good demonstration. 

Demonstrations are probably one of the best, but least used copy tactics out there.

Infomercials usually get it right…

But in our world, you don’t see them as much.

And I think it’s a mistake.

Cause if you can come up with a good demonstration…

It has the potential to convince even the most skeptical buyer that what you’re selling works.

So next time you’re writing copy…

See if you can come up with a good demonstration.

Your bank account will thank you.

Alright, that’s all I got for ya today.

BTW, Stefan and I will be sending out details on our upcoming February mastermind in the next few days.

We had a few hiccups getting the page up, so that will be done soon.

I’ll be sure to email you about it as soon as the page is ready.

Take care,

– Justin

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