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Here’s something that took me a long time to learn…

The large majority of sales that are made in direct response are because of a “triggering” event.

And here’s what I mean by that…

Back in 2010 or so, I came to the gut-punching realization that I was starting to lose my hair.

I remember the exact moment I realized this like it was yesterday.

I was standing in front of my bathroom mirror, and I was about to give myself a mohawk.

So I took the clippers, and started buzzing down the sides of my hair.

I started near the front, and as soon as I pushed the clippers back, I freaked out cause I thought I had the clippers on the wrong setting.

The front of my hair looked way too short.

I thought it was the clippers…

And that I just cut my hair too short…

But that wasn’t what was going on at all.

My hair was thin (and short) cause I was losing my hair!

It was starting to recede in the corners…

And there was noticeable thinning going on.

So what did I do?

I immediately freaked out.

I went into full-on panic mode.

Up until this point, the idea that I was going to lose my hair had never even dawned on me.

I had a great head of hair…

And got compliments on it all the time.

But now I was coming face to face with the fact that it was just a matter of time before my hair was gonna go bye-bye.

Which is a tough moment for a guy.

Every nightmare scenario you can think of starts running through your head.

You wonder if you’re gonna look like a weirdo with a shaved head…

You start to think about all your buddies making fun of you… 

And then the worst of all… you start to think you’re never gonna get laid again.

Like you’re gonna be a pariah to women.

All this shit races through your head.

So you’re in total panic mode.

And as a result, you wind-up you’re ready to do anything and everything to fix it.

I remember the moment I realized I was losing my hair, I spent like $300 on Amazon buying every hair growth supplement, Rogaine gel and anything else I could find.  

If a product promised that it’d help me keep my hair, I bought it.

And as much as this sucked for me at the time…

There’s a BIG marketing lesson in here for you to capitalize on…

And that’s the fact that most people buy things after a triggering event (like me realizing I was losing my hair).

And this happens in nearly every niche…

-When a tornado rips through your city, sales of survival food and water filters will go up in the weeks that follow because of that event

-A guy who just got dumped by his girlfriend, might sit and sulk for a few days, but within a few weeks he’s gonna be browsing Youtube or buying an ebook looking for tips on how to meet women…

-A mom who goes to the beach and feels embarrassed to be seen in her swimsuit, will be a lot more curious about those fat loss emails in her inbox after that experience 

– A guy who works at Foot Locker might suddenly be inspired to quit and start an Amazon store after his boss screws him over and makes him work the early shift on a Saturday…

All of these are triggering events…

And when it comes to direct response, there’s almost always a triggering event that happens that pushes someone to buy.

People don’t just randomly buy things.

Something happens…

And it creates a lot of shame, fear, anger and pain in them.

And it’s those feelings that stew inside them…

And eventually leads them to buy something from you.

That’s how it works.

So my advice?

Try to figure out what the triggering events are that happen to people before they buy your stuff.

And then bond with them on whatever those events are. 

Make sense?

I hope so.

Cause that’s all I got for ya this morning.

Enjoy your Saturday,

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.