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One thing that will dramatically improve your copy is understanding that the day-to-day life of your buyer is quite dark…

Case in point…

When I used to write copy in the men’s dating niche, the large majority of buyers in that niche constantly feel lonely…

They don’t have a lot of friends…

They feel hopeless that they’ll never be able to get the women they want…

They feel frustrated when they see other guys (especially their friends) easily attracting women…

They beat themselves up when they see a pretty girl and “chicken out” on approaching her…

They harbor a LOT of anger towards women who they “treated right” and who still rejected them, or ignored them…

And deep down, most of them feel like something is “wrong” with them, so even if a woman does show interest, they believe she’ll eventually leave once she sees who they really are…

So overall, their lives ain’t a lot of sunshine and rainbows.

It’s quite dark.

They don’t feel a whole lot of joy, love or passion on a day to day basis.


Their day-to-day life is mostly filled with pain, shame and anger.

So when you’re writing to them…

Or selling to them…

This is important to keep this in mind.

Especially if you’re the kind of person who tends to be pretty positive and who likes their life. 

Cause it would be easy to assume the people you’re writing to are the same way…

But they’re not. 

They’re in a different headspace than you…

They feel pretty hopeless…

And pissed off…

So if you want to connect with them…

And eventually sell to them…

Then you need to meet them where they’re at (which is the dark place they’re in).

That’s the key.

Remember, their life is NOT like your life. 

It’s probably a lot darker…

And a lot more painful.

So be in tune with that when you’re writing to them.

Make sense?

I hope so…

Cause that’s all I got for ya today.

Enjoy your Monday…

– Justin

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