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Last month my buddy Jason Capital was in town for our mastermind, so the two of us sat down in my kitchen and recorded a pretty epic podcast.

Jason and I go back way back, and have been friends for over 10 years.

So this pod flowed really well.

A few things that we hit on…

-> The big “trigger” that took me from making $220k a year to $2.2 million a year

-> How I’m able to get as much as 9x higher conversion rates on cold emails versus other copywriters

-> The story of how I went from nearly being broke in 2010 to making $100k in less than 3 months

-> Why stuff that works in email can be turned into winning Facebook ads, leads and more…

-> How you can “escape” the strict Facebook guidelines for copy and scale your offer

-> Why it’s better to put out an offer that absolutely BOMBS instead of an offer that’s mediocre

-> Plus a whole lot more…

You can check out the podcast on Youtube here.


My voice was a little off at the beginning of the pod.

Not sure what was going on.

Think I was just nervous.

But, it gets a lot better as the video goes on and I’m more comfortable.

Here’s the link…

Feel free to let me know what you think after you watch it…

-> Justin Goff  & Jason Capital podcast

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.