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I think I’d rather make an appearance on your Youtube channel AFTER I’ve had some bigger wins

That’s what Nina Moseley (a newbie copywriter) said to me after I asked her to do an interview with me.

Nina was worried that she wouldn’t have anything to share…

Because she didn’t have any big wins under her belt…

But here’s the thing…

This is precisely WHY I wanted to talk to her.

I wanted her to share some of the struggles she was going through.

And some of the ups-and-downs she’s experienced.


Because EVERYONE struggles in their first year as a copywriter. 

You’re trying to learn headlines, hooks, big ideas and storytelling all at the same itme. 

You’re writing copy and it’s losing split-test after split-test.

After a while, it feels like you’re drowning and someone is spraying you with a firehose just to rub it in.

Obviously, this creates a lot of frustration.

And self doubt.

But here’s the thing…

Almost every GREAT copywriter went through this when they started.

They struggled as well.

I know I did.

And that’s why I wanted to do this interview with Nina. 

She’s open about her struggles…

And shares how she’s dealing with a lot of the doubt and frustration that go along with it.

If you’re a new copywriter (or you know a few of them) I’d highly suggest watching this interview with Nina.

You can check it out here on Youtube.

– Justin

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.