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This past week I had the realization that there’s a lot of benefit to simply doing nothing.

And here’s what I mean…

If you missed my previous emails, I was in Cabo for a week taking the first REAL vacation I have ever taken since being an adult.

And by “real vacation” I mean that I did not work at all while I was in Cabo.

I didn’t check email…

I didn’t check Slack messages…

I didn’t write this daily email each morning.

I did nothing.

Which sounds easy on the surface…

But it was actually a struggle for the first few days. 

I’m so used to working, that trying to do nothing  was not easy.

I’d sit by the pool and wonder if I should be doing SOMETHING…

“Maybe I should go whale watching”  I thought…

“Or maybe I should go snorkeling”…

My mind kept telling me that I was wasting my  vacation by doing nothing.

But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I was doing exactly what I needed to do.


I needed to get out of “accomplish things” mode…

And be okay with just laying by the pool.

Filling up my day with activities on vacation was just another way to put me in “accomplish things” mode.

And I didn’t need that.

I needed to do nothing.

Eventually I got comfortable with doing nothing.

And began to enjoy it.

I walked up and down the beach.

I laid by the pool.

I ate long breakfasts while watching the sun rise.

I even made some friends with an Australian family and hung with them for a few days.

By the end of the trip, I wanted to stay longer.

And just keep doing nothing.

But alas, I had some stuff to get back to.


Just wanted to share that.

A lot of people really related to my emails about being a work-a-holic.   

And always feeling like you need to be accomplishing things.

This little vacation was a result of that for me. 

And because I enjoyed it so much, I’m planning on taking at least 3 vacations this year where I do the  same.

No work.

Just unplug and enjoy life.

I see the benefit in it now.

If you’re like me, and you’re always “go go go”, I’d highly suggest giving this a try.

That’s all I got for today…

Enjoy your Saturday.

– Justin

P.S. – I mentioned before I left that Stefan and I would be opening up a few sit-in seats for our mastermind on February 26-28th in Las Vegas.

We’re putting the final touches on the event page for that today.

So it should be ready to go by Monday at the latest.

The sit-in seats for the mastermind are by application only (to keep the quality of the room high).


If you were at the Austin mastermind in September, you won’t have to apply again (just buy a ticket).

More info to come on the mastermind, the speakers, the guests and all that in the next few days…

So keep your eyes peeled.

If you want to hear more from Justin, he has a private email list for top marketers, copywriters and business owners. To apply to be on the email list simply click the button below that says “apply now”.